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oh shit...i just realized its friday (weekend thread)

boogie hands

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last night i hung out with friends and had beer and pizza which is something i usually dont do on weeknights. that, coupled with an amazingly busy, unstructured week has left me pretty out of it...anyhow.



- arrive at work late but leave promptly at 5pm (hopefully)

- eat some sushi with the gf and head to a bar for 1 or 2 token drinks for a departing co-worker.

- go to bed around 10ish



- jog over to watch a race that i should be running in but didnt train hard enough for. fuck.

- jog back from race site...hopefully get 4 or 5 miles in

- go hiking in the mountains for a bit with the gf and think more an more about buying backpacking gear and heading out into the wilderness for a few days this summer/fall.

- sky rockets in flight, afternoon delight

- nap

- cd release party for a friends band and heavy drinking until the wee hours



- hangover city

- watch the national geographic channel in bed until 1 or 2

- go shopping for the upcoming weeks lunches

- cook dinner and drink a little wine

- go to sleep thinking that i really need to start looking for a new job




-official beer of the weekend



-official music of the weekend



-official view of the weekend


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Today I am going to:


- take this drop


- work the evening shift


-try to make it to a show my homey is participating in



On Saturday I'm throwing a going away paahhhty for my boy.


I am sick as a dawg tho. Been taking a lot of immune boosting packets. I hope I get better by Sat, but the outcome isn't looking great. Sigh.

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Well it is Saturday morning, spent Friday night in after a hectic Thursday.

Friday was spent handing in assignment, helping a friend whos son is giving her dramas, Guitar Hero 2, and 12oz.




-catching up with sister


-maybe wash the car




-take it easy



Official beer of the weekend

-Corona (with lemon)


Music of the weekend

-The Doors


View of the weekend


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I woke up pretty early because I passed out at like 8 PM yesterday. So I have a full day, it's only 9am....


- Go pay rent.

- Take some photos, I'll post if anyone asks.

- Get some Starbucks.

- Peep some shops, maybe a little rack-a-doodle-do.

- Drink Guinness, BoogieHands said so.




I asked my girlfriend what we were doing tomorrow, and she said, "Whatever you want".


- Fuck hookers.

- Get pass out drunk in the middle of the day.

- Pee on things.

- All kinds of other ill shit.


Actually I think I might do a piece or something since it isn't raining. See if that Smokee fella feels better and wants to go paint.


- Drink Guinness.




- Go to Home Depot.

- Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

- I don't know, it's crazy.




- Get a nice Breakfast.

- Maybe paint again.

- Bring Guinness.



Crazy times.



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*Wash all my clothes and sheets and stuff

*pack up small stuff

*Play DoD on the computer all night drinking my fathers beers (because i am broke till tomorrow...)

*practice maybe?



*If everything is all fixed move some stuff to new apt

*go to practice

*pick up PA system and drums

*GET PAID TO DRINK BOOOOZE and play music!!!!!



*hopefully move more stuff...

*design promo cards for april7th

*finish final touches on promo pack so i can get my liquor sponsorships(process takes so long)





-official DRANK of the weekend


The Grateful Dead

1 part tequila

1 part vodka

1 part light rum

1 part gin

1 part Chambord® raspberry liqueur





-official music of the weekend


Not gonna lie I do 3 song nsync medley into justin timberlake in to 98*'s its funny...I just play the drums the music is up to the guitar player who is a strict metal head...this is just a joke...



-official view of the weekend

not my kit but you get the idea...


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Go shopping for some t shirts

Grab some alcohol and go to Santa Cruz

Play Boggle



Drive my girl back to the bay so she can go to a viewing (aunt died)

Then drive back to SC cause shes crazy and wants to be hella complicated

Go to the Boardwalk and see how much feti I can throw down on the dollar oysters down there

Head back to the beachhouse and drink massively



Try to sneak in some more seafood

Drive back and drop the lady at the service

Pick up cash that people owe me

Make a catalogue of various home decor that I'm hustlin




Beer of the weekend

Home brew


Music of the weekend

Probably metal and a mix

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-leave work at 5 for sure - fucking training someone all days ruins the day

-splurge and eat something unhealthy for once - maybe pizza


-sexy time




-wake up early

-get my job/weightlift on

-shop for furniture yet again for new crib

-going away party for my boy

-get pretty fucked up



-sleep in

-grocery shop

-dope early dinner


-sleep early


Bonus Question:


Brew of the Weekend - undecided


Music of the Weekend - some old miles meada tapes i found


View of the Weekend -

Fri- Ass

Sat - bottom of beer glass

Sun- fresh produce

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Guest R@ndomH3ro


- Half day, relax

-Maybe pick up some pants and shirts

-parents are coming in to visit



-Hang out with parents

- GHOST HUNT!!!!!!

-Drink a couple of beers with my Dad



- Chill

- More Parent hanging out





-official beer of the weekend




-official music of the weekend



-official view of the weekend


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-tattoo for 5 hours.

-down time.

-head out around 11 to see music and ho's.

-come home drunk, pass out.




-wake up, go to work.

-work work work.

-come home, eat f00dz.

-homework followed by some form of substance abuse.




-fuck i have to work sunday too, i almost put sleep.

-work work work.

-come home.

-relaxation/hang with ol' girl.

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