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just what I didn't need....


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i love me some tittyballs. but forreal i can relate, im currently single, saving a ton of fucking cash, with extra money that i can still enjoy on myself, but for some stupid fucking reason i want a female to spend some of it on. ive been dating but never taking that next step. whatsamattawitme?

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I need to get hurt, I haven't been single for 7 years now and I'm wicked young. I'm a complete fucking asshole too, like i have it comming. Dude you should paint graffiti, remember that winter I got wicked up down town, it was over a girl...they make me do shit I don't do with out booze.

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Makes you wonder how deaf people comunicate while fucking. To they sign eachother "oh yes, yes!!!! that's it baby!!!"? Or do they just grunt and moan in their retarded deaf voices?


thats it! there has to be a deaf porn website out there

one of you maniacs go out there and find it NOW!!!!!!

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thats it! there has to be a deaf porn website out there

one of you maniacs go out there and find it NOW!!!!!!



^^So i can officially cross this off my list of ch0 threads i can look at while at werk...



Rummy Get that hammock swangin whens that AE deally goin down? Meet up with one of them girls doing the promotion you know they are gonna be hot!

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Rum when you're in montreal check out the "octopussy" i forget where on st cathrines it is but there is this little asian beezy there named Kiwi or someshit. Magic hands...if ya know what im sayin...(massage iam talkin bout I wasnt drunk enough to pay 80$ for a blowjob...my friend was)

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thanks for the track mamerro. rhythms are good. It's on the headphones right now


you know it cat-face.



I'm just kind of pissed that I let a really good girl slip away.

I know why she's gone, and I dont know what could have been different,

but I guess all those little things can add up to a one big thing.


bah... I need some sunshine

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that's why I'm bummed out.

I only seem to like girls that are bad for me, or girls when I'm bad for them.


I though this one wasn't either of those cases, but when you're bad, you don't see it the same.


I get my motorbike back in 11 days. whooot!

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