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so apparently mexicans are taking over my tush


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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


She's Mexican. American citizen... but Mexican.


Naw, dude, she's like Spanish (Spain), Mexican, French, and Danish... so she's actually 3/4 white, 1/4 Mexican. And since Mexicans are usually mestizo you might add some more Spaniard in there.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


Yo, fuck Mexicans. They're the reason I hate California.


Not that I've ever been there, but, shit, everytime I watch a TV show or a movie that takes place in California or Texas or wherever, all I hear and see is Mexicans.


Fuck their music, fuck their moustaches, and fuck their sombreros and that stupid instrument they're always playing.










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Guest Ginger Bread Man

Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


i havent posted in a while due to all the extreme idiocy displayed consistently however this thread prompted me to break the silence...



all you idiots hating on another race are idiots.


the fool saying he has never met a mexican but they seem "pritty gay" is a total douche la rouche. grow the fuck up, leave the comfort of your a/c,heated home using the interweb all day and travel a bit. fuck all you bigots


i will repeat what i said on the first page. PAY WHAT YOU FUCKING OWE AND STOP BEING A SMACK HEAD. if you can not own up to your debts don't blame the other guy for the issues you are creating for yourself. im sure the "mexicans" prefer you alive than dead. you are worth more to them. no wait you arent worth the air you breathe.


boogie hands is on point

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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


Yo, fuck Mexicans. They're the reason I hate California.


Not that I've ever been there, but, shit, everytime I watch a TV show or a movie that takes place in California or Texas or wherever, all I hear and see is Mexicans.


Fuck their music, fuck their moustaches, and fuck their sombreros and that stupid instrument they're always playing.



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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


All yall kats in here Hating on my people are fucking Idiots...first off all im glad you starting to notice that we are taking over, not just your city but the whole freakin country, you better realize that we make this country a better place, we work hard and we educate ourselves to high standards and im not just talking about mexicans, im talking about all latinos and immigrants...that come to this country for a better life.....although we are not perfect we got all this gangster shit killing our culture, Mexicans ancestor were warriors that killed and die for its land and family...but all this shit its not worth a damn penny, niggas dead for a fucking hood, a hood thats its not even theirs, niggas dead for just a few bucks and i can talk about this because i lived it and i seen many of it,, i really dont give a fuck about yall little and old gansters getting mad about me saying all this im just being real yall need to open yalls minds and hearts and see whats really worth in this world...so all YALL MOTHAFUCKERS outthere better recognize that we live in a fucked up world and a when it comes To my people Mexicans we are just trying to have a better life and make the Lord proud.....so all that hating and racism is just idiotic kid...learn about the fuckin world you live in and then post you silly ass shit...as for the rest of yall props for being realistic and being properly aware of the lack of knowledge of this assholes....excuse my attitude but like i said we live in a crazy world..

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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


nah, playa, i was being myself, sarcastic and shit...


i'm only saying this because i know some scary, criminal (goes without saying) mexican will come after me after reading that post.






get it?

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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


The white man fucking took the land by force and the Mexicans are taking it back by sneaking in to the country and pumping out litters of children like rats. At least have the balls to declare war on us and take back your land, or immigrate legally. We have a serious overpopulation problem already.

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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


Naw, dude, she's like Spanish (Spain), Mexican, French, and Danish... so she's actually 3/4 white, 1/4 Mexican. And since Mexicans are usually mestizo you might add some more Spaniard in there.



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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


that redneck picture made me chuckle a bit ^^..


VATOS LOCOS FOREVER HOLMES! seriously though I fucking love those taco trucks with the authentic tacos and agua chata ! good people



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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


Just a quick insight... if the white power structure within the United States would outlaw racist and bigoted hiring practices and allow citizenship to all peoples (which this country was founded on... people coming from other countries to make a better life; they only closed borders within the last 60 years, BTW) then most poor communities and it's residents (which happen to be predominantly minorities in the metropolitan areas due to the 1950's segregationist loan lending practices which created pretty, whitebread, suburbs) would be able to work and not be forced to provide for their families and communities through criminal enterprise. Crime statistics reflect racial and financial break-ups the way they do as a result of societys general preconception that a certain person from a certain area is less trustable or worth less than someone else. Your boy would have gotten just as faded from a dealer who was white... but you see white dealers less frequently because the majority of whites have more options and more access to better education and careers. Speak up and force your government to provide MORE money to schools, instead of taking it away.... tell your politicians to raise the federal minimum wage... and tell your president to reinstate the tariffs system within the U.S. so that American held corporations will stop outsourcing labor to other countries where the workers are exploited for eight cents a day and keep the jobs here in the U.S. so as to reenforce the job market and create a fair and just system for all peoples. Give poor minorities something other than sports or music to succeed in. That's your problem... you are under educated and this has led you to believe that minorities are the problem when its actually ignorance and misinformation being fed to you by groups such as the minutemen and the mass media.


*Steps off of the soap box*


Hint... closing your borders and denying citizenship to poor people looking for a dream does not keep your country safe... it breeds hatred and aggression.


So... how about that local sports team?



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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


Flea markets hold many amazing treasures.


Such as adorable baby cow heads.

I like the one at the very top.

With the sad ears.


Bulllfighting AND boobies.

On the same dvd.



Free tickets.

To the gun show.




This is what went down the night before.

It was loud.

And awesome.

Pay close attention to the lighters.

Black steed.

Sexy cowboy.

Definite themes for the night.



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Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town


let's just open the borders then and let the tide flow then. i mean afterall mexico and other countries don't have their immigration restrictions and border security, right?



Actually... Mexico does have border control systems in place to control the flow from Honduras... but it is a feasable and regulated system... only boxing out serious criminals... however... the other countrys with immigration systems aren't standing on the same level of hypocrisy as they were not founded on and did not grow under the ideals that others may come to make a better life as the United States was. "Give us your poor and downtroden..."



BTW...bloodfart...whats the creme under the ruffles???

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