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Cute underage girls by the pool!!!! **HOT PICS!!!***


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its kinda fucked up to me that talking to someone on the internet about sex can be illegal. if someone says they're underage, and you talk to them, you can go to prison. that's kinda...fucked.


dont get me wrong, showing up at a house where you're trying to bang a kid is fucked up, but just talking? seems a little extreme.


Cosigned 100%.

There was also a time not too long ago that this type of shit was called "entrapment". And would be thrown out of court.


On a somewhat related note, I sorta know this youngbuck that just got sentanced to prison (either 7 or 10 years I forget, one or the other) for fucking a bitch. She was 15 and he was 18. That's only 3 years apart. Now this guy is going to have a record for being a sex offender that's pretty much going to ruin what's left of his life when he finally does get out. He's going to have to deal not only with the fact that he'll never get a decent job ever, but the fact that everytime he moves he's going to be pitted against the local residents that want nothing to do with a "sex offender" in their neighborhood and would just as soon lynch his ass. Assuming like most people that the dude is some perverted rapist child molester. All because the youngbuck just wanted some pussy. Like everyone else. And got some from some willing broad in his own age group. Forgive me if this type of shit reminds me of "witches" being burned at the stake.

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would it be different if the tables were turned and it was some 18 year old fucking your daughter?



I honestly hope that I never have a daugter for this exact reason. But if I do, I'll be damned if I'm going to go running to the cops and ruin some poor kids life just for doing the same exact shit that I was doing at his age. I can't say that I wouldn't beat his ass though... but black eyes heal. "Sex offender" records don't.


Thank God the parents of the girls I got caught in the act with in my day had as much common sense as I do.

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yea...it must be common sense. i know its harsh to give someone a permanent life ruining criminal record but in that show...they are all ther to fuck someones little kid..

if you look at all those men,they are all fucking creepy and disgusting...if any of those guys

even the youngest went near my daughter i would fucking destroyyyyyyyy!!!!

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yea...it must be common sense. i know its harsh to give someone a permanent life ruining criminal record but in that show...they are all ther to fuck someones little kid..

if you look at all those men,they are all fucking creepy and disgusting...if any of those guys

even the youngest went near my daughter i would fucking destroyyyyyyyy!!!!



Actually that's why I said "On a somewhat related note". The majority of the dudes that they show are some serious freaks. Some of them dudes look like they're in their 40's and shit. Like some serious child molester weirdos and shit. But I've seen like 19-20 year olds get nabbed on that show too. And they seemed like normal ass dudes just tryin to get some pussy from some youngin that was flirting with them on line. Common sense says that there is a difference. The law says that there isn't.

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Damn I actually feel bad for these niggas though. Not only do they set up a perfect fantasy for a lonely guy (Wow someone young likes me! :,]) And then when they show up to the house they tease you even more with a half naked bitch at the door come fuck me inside okay??? YOU HAVE TO COME INSIDE! OKAY... GOOD... Um I wasn't sure about coming... That's when that guy shows up and doesn't explain jack shit to you cept that he has the the dirty transcript you thought you deleted from your hardrive. Nope bitch they had one too. And they know about the other time you fucked an underage bitch cause you talked to the cops about it and now your here with some her pleasure condoms and some zima in the trunk. and sense you didn't shut the fuck up when you were on camera that shit is proof in court.... damn nigga now you fucked for life. your sorry but it doesn't matter to anyone especially where you'll be staying from now on.

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yeah they let em walk out the door like holy shit i am never doing this again then cops tackle you out of nowhere. When the black minister ran out of the house cause people were pointing guns at him he stops on the lawn and throws his hands up and they taze him anyway. shit was funny but sad

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Cosigned 100%.

There was also a time not too long ago that this type of shit was called "entrapment". And would be thrown out of court.


On a somewhat related note, I sorta know this youngbuck that just got sentanced to prison (either 7 or 10 years I forget, one or the other) for fucking a bitch. She was 15 and he was 18.


are you sure? sounds like shit

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my problem is with the the fact that it is illegal to even talk about sex with someone who claims to be underage, annonymously, through a computer. of course i think that's 'wrong', and dudes who troll the internet looking for 13 year olds to kick it to should get smacked in the face with a hammer, but talking isnt doing, and it's the internet, who the fuck knows who you're actually talking to. showing up to meet someone is fucked, and i have no concern for dudes on that show, but you can actually be arrested just for the talking portion, even if you don't have any plan to follow through. that's fucked.


also, i think statutory rape is a ton of bullshit and should be weighed on the merrits of the creepyness of the guy (or girl) in question. ha.

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Damn I actually feel bad for these niggas though. Not only do they set up a perfect fantasy for a lonely guy (Wow someone young likes me! :,]) And then when they show up to the house they tease you even more with a half naked bitch at the door come fuck me inside okay??? YOU HAVE TO COME INSIDE! OKAY... GOOD... Um I wasn't sure about coming... That's when that guy shows up and doesn't explain jack shit to you cept that he has the the dirty transcript you thought you deleted from your hardrive. Nope bitch they had one too. And they know about the other time you fucked an underage bitch cause you talked to the cops about it and now your here with some her pleasure condoms and some zima in the trunk. and sense you didn't shut the fuck up when you were on camera that shit is proof in court.... damn nigga now you fucked for life. your sorry but it doesn't matter to anyone especially where you'll be staying from now on.


anybody that brings zima anywhere deserves to be that fucked for life.

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