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pimp my wendy's


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the wendy's buy me is like goodburger. well i just cause it goodburger cause it is the most backwards spot i've ever been at. the people who work there will be fighting with each other while there is a line of customers. it's pretty funny.


last time i was there the chick at the register, who was at least 35, was yelling at a co-worker in the back. she was saying something like "fuck that bitch if she things she is cutting my hours!" then she turned to some lady who was waiting to give her order and was like "yeah?"

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when I was down in orlando they had mcdonalds 'gourmet select' or someshit... place looked ultra fancy, nice tables and shit. you sat down and employees came and took your order like a server would. brought it out to you and shit. wasn't bad either.


first and only time I'm had mcdonalds in 6 years.

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If this jerk store VILE_ATX tells me the address, I will swing by tomorrow after I get my hair did.

And take photos.

Probably of me destroying things.

And getting excorted outside.

Where I will then throw my empty 32 of High Life at the building.

Shake my fist at the sky.

And disappear into the night.

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I told you before, my niece busted the elastic in the waistband by furiously pants'ing me.

I think I sent them to the dumpster.


I was looking for them a few days ago.

Because wearing full pants just seemed like too much trouble.

I didn't find the shorts.


Plus, a cold front is set to come through tonight.

And I get cold easily.

If it is below 70 degrees, I will be in a parka with ear muffs on.

Maybe mittens as well.


I will be wearing something completely fabulous though.

(you should be hearing that in the tone of a homosexual man)

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I don't typically do these type of fast food places.

Because they are foul.

I would make an exception for this fancy Wendy's.

As long as they no care if I drank a 32 of High Life while I eat my baked potato.

Where is this fancy pants Wendy's at?




in austin texas on far west blvd off of mopac

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