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Ape Shit

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So 2 weeks ago the glands in my neck are extremely swollen, and it's painful to swallow. I go to my family doctor, he does the strep throat test and comes back 5 minutes later and goes "yep, you tested positive for strep". Great, so he fills out my prescription for some antibiotics. A week goes by and I notice that my throat is only getting worse, and I got this crazy white shit growing on my tonsils. So I decide to go to the hospital to find out what's going on. The hospital doesnt do any kind of throat check besides look at it because they said "the doctor already said its strep, so thats what you have". So they give me a prescription for a stronger antibiotic and vicodin. 2 days after this, my throat has only gotten worse, so I decide to go back to the hospital to get some tests done. After bloodwork and all that shit, they find out I have viral pharyngitis and mono, NOT strep throat. So after a week and a half of taking medicine that hasn't been doing shit, they decide to give me 3 prescriptions for pain; Vicodin, Prednisone, and a strong dosage of Ibuprofen. Now it's been almost a week and my throat still feels like shit, and I'm out of all my medication except the Ibuprofen. I'm about to go to the doctor in a little bit to find out if I can score some more meds cause my recovery is taking forever.


What are your stories with mono? How long did it take for you to recover? I haven't been sleepy at all, the only thing that bothers me is my throat. I've been living off soup for the past 2 weeks. Fuckin doctors.

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I had mono for like 3 weeks not like that though. I just didnt eat I slept all the time i was taking a shit like once ever 2 or 3 days. Wicked tired and run down....and then it went away...I went to the doctor a couple months later and he was like wow you shoulda came in sounded like you may of had mono.

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ouch! sorry to hear that man.


doctors are such fucking bitches. alot of times you have to be on their ass about your symptoms and push them to do tests and what not. i've been having the same problem with my doctor (not sore throat though) and all he was giving me was some faggot ass medicen that wasen't helping. so i switched dr's and shes all bitching about "all dr luis gave you were water pills ?! what a fucking idiot!!!?!" im like no shit! so sometimes you have to switch doctors and get a second opinon.


i fucking hate some doctors. but once in a while you luck out with a really really good doctor that actually gives a fuck about you and wants you to get better.


so hopefully you have a super speedy recovery! get well soon. <3

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they gave me novacaine to gargle my throat was so bad... i got it like the 2nd week of summer

and i got well a week or so before i started highschool. i had it for almost 3 months.. i had 3 weeks of 103 temp and went outside prolly 4 times that summer. the good news is i built a badass complete bmx bike from scratch that summer so the ups man was my best friend. the bad news is starting school pale as a ghost and all your friends asking what the hell is wrong with you...

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i had it when i was a teenager. i slept about 18 hours a day and could only drink water and eat jelly (and even that was painful). it was at it's peak for about 2 and a half weeks and i lost a heap of weight due to not eating. they were about to put me in hospital when i started to recover.


for about 10 years afterwards i would get occasionally get swollen glands and a sore throat for a couple days.

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they gave me novacaine to gargle my throat was so bad... ...



my girlfriend in high school had that shit. she came in and was like here put this in you mouth swish it around and spit it out. Like an idiot I did and 2nd and 3rd period I spent drooling on my desk with my tounge hanging out...


thats what I get for trusting a puerto rican...

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I got it the last few weeks of my senior year of high school. All of my friends who had gone away to college had just returned home (including this hot older girl I was hooking up with), and my parents were out of town for a month. So I was staying up all night partying, going to bed at two or three, and then getting up at six to go to school, where we would pretty much sit around and do nothing because we were only a couple of weeks from graduation. I thought that was the cause of me being so tired and run down, and I figured my throat was sore from smoking too much.


Then a friend came over one night, and found me passed out naked in a pool of sweat on my kitchen floor. Apparently, I had become delerious, and was so hot that I decided to lay on the tile to cool off. I took a cold shower, spent the night at my friend's house, and skipped a few days of school and partying.


Then I was fine.

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