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it was just one of those descisions that you regret instantly

as soon as i walked inside i wanted her every single person in that shithole

little emo girls thinking they're awesome because theyre underage in a club and drinking jaeger bombs

i was watching them

they got blasted off 2 and kept on missing the glass

i bought a jd and coke

fucking bartender pured the most miniscule amount of jd

i almost threw it in the bitches face

i told her i wasnt paying 6 for that and told her to make it to my standards

the evils she gave me were hilarious

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hahha madness!!

That place is ridiculous.

Maybe us Perth 12ozer's should hit it up with the sole intention of giving people shit.

I just realized I have to go and get on the dole, just for a little support before I go on my holiday. I'd go book something if I didn't keep waking up at 3pm everyday. By the time I shower/shave and eat, the fucken shops are closed and I have missed out. I can' tell the difference between underagers and 18 year olds any more. Shit is too confusing with this 'KFC' generation. I also noticed there was an above average number of fatties at that place too, as if being emo and fat allows you to go out and replicate moshzilla, without the expectations of being mocked by fellow emos/goths/freaks or whatever.

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the dole!


you bludger

go out and blow it all on meth and then not eat til the next cheque

but i hear you on the underage thing

i go out with my girls little brother and his friends sometimes

that boy can drink like a horse and causes fights where ever he goes

its fucking great

its a fine line between an 18 yo and an underage person

ive seen people turned away who i was sure were 18

i swear i will never go to amplifier again

and they almost turned me down at the door because of my clothes

i looked at the bouncer and told him to look at the rest of the trash in the line

"compared to them im practically giorgio fucking armani"

the amount of dirty looks thrown at me from the weirdos was classic

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Hahah, I was facing the same problem in a dinner-style white Yd long sleeved shirt but concealed it with my leather jacket. But I was kinda worried I might not get in also as I was like the flashed dressed person there IMO (some goth weirdos in suits might disagree).

But yeah, I'll try to avoid the place from now on, unless I want to fuck an emo chick to see whether I can make her cry during sex, ahhaha.

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Aussies say other things like 'Lets get gritty' and all sorts of other shit to describe getting drunk.

Maybe we just like to embelish as drinking is part of the culture??

I prefer to say 'Lets get roasted' myself, as saying pissed can mean 'pissed off' as well.

So yeah it is definitely down to the context it is used in.

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10 beers at lunch

bad idea

going to lectures tipsy is great though

the tav is such a cunt though

i went at 1:10 and couldnt get a table

so i sat down with some first years and challenged the boys to a drinking contest

they got about 5 deep before they gave up

good on them

got numbers off the girls

tango= mac daddy pimp of the freshmen

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I might have to ease up on my booze consumption.

I played basketball for the first time in ages tonight, only scored 4 points, and was fucked from my first lap of the floor. I have never been so unfit in my life, so it is tie to snap into it.


But be sure that this impending weekend will see me get trashed at least once.

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I think my drinking has gotten out of hand the last few months....I consume at least a pint of vodka every night, and I mean that's just on a sitting at the crib with one of my boys, doin nothing night.


Anyways...I'd been doing really well lately with the ex and whatnot, hangin out with her pretty regularly, balancing it along with the new girl, and plus a few other randoms, then yesterday shit went bad.


Huge fight, some real fucked up shit was said, and I ended up drinking a liter to the face and just freaking the fuck out for like 5 or 6 hours straight. A lot of shit was broken last night, my hand is a swollen mess, and I woke up feeling like I had died at least twice

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