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yeah it's been a while

I don't like tequila

but i had decent sized frozen margarita made by a drunk lady bartender (the best)

sometime this wk

pretty gross but kinda tasty

After that it was pints

I ended up crossing 3 "towns" & running to catch transportation at 6am


Tonight i'm drinking cheap stuff. The drunks around me inspire


Next week it's onnnnnnnn birfday blackout status


I do love alcohol It's always there for you

you know what your getting

it never disappoints

it gives purpose to meaningless conversations


I'll come up with more later

probably not

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I don't know... There are things that don't need to be said at a bar, especially if you have people's numbers and could call them later... Like telling people that a man is dying from cancer.. A man who happens to be there.. Next to you.. What the fuck...

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I think having your collar popped doesn't allow you to tilt your head back to get the end of your drink down well enough. Time to drop your collar boy!!

Pop quiz, what is your favorite alcoholic beverage?


captain morgans puerto rican spiced rum



Guzzle status.

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I got work at 9 a.m, I am going to a grad party tonight. I'm amped because they have copious amounts of free booze and a fire pit, plus madd food. I can't decide, should I just chew these vikes up and drink a few so my stomach is cool when I awake, or should I get nice and drunk while risking fucking my whole day of work up? I can't call out anymore either.

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i say you get blackout drunk and roll into work chewing your sausage bisquit with an open mouth. fuck it. just got off and im drinking captain morgan spiced rum (the clear shit? wtf?) and coke. i could do for a beer however

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I was sposed to have a few homies and a buncha girls over later to drink, but I haven't been in very good spirits lately, plus I have a 13 hour shift tomorrow, so yeahhhhhh....it ain't happenin


Me and my good friend Nyquil are gunna kick it for a few minutes, then I'mma sleep for like 11 hours

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Im still lost as to what a 5th is, but if it is 700ml then I can surely cosign.

Although I have been moderating my intake since I have an exam in 4 days.


I'm pretty sure a "fifth" is an American way of saying a "26er" or "750ml"/

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McWilliams shiraz is one of my favourites. How do you get bottles for $6?

It is their cheapest label. The joys of the wine glut. There is also a SBS, Shiraz Cab, and Cab Merlot in that range at the same price. They are apparently not bad as well (had millions of people swear by them to me).



The Mt Pleasant Phillip Shiraz is great, I have a bottle on my shelf at the moment I am trying to age for a while. A good steak and that stuff is magic!! That stuff is around $20Au though. But it is so worht it, probably my favorite cheapish wine there is.


Edit: Thanks for the explaination, I think I got it before from EBPH or something, but they abolished most 750ml bottles for 700 ml ones in Oz due to tax reasons.

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Weren't you staying at your parents investment property?

Or have I confused you with somebody else?

And did you make up with your missus after the other day?

Or am I wrong again.

(I am tired, semi drunk, and strugglign to keep my eyes open)

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im staying at my parents investment property

but i hate sharing the place with my bbrother

anyone else would be fine

but not him

the girl situation is fine now

she blasted me in the grill pretty hard

apparently one of her bitchy friends who hates me wold her that i fucked some other girl at a party

which i wasnt even at

i was at a friends house in an alcohol induced coma

i had pictures to prove it

so said bitchy friend is no longer a friend and is now merely and acquaintance

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Hah sweet!

If you come across anymore of these bitchy friends, send em my way and I'll straighten em out, with a good hard fuck!!

I don't envy your situation, as rentals are a fucken bitch to find unless you want to live in the sticks, but I am assuming your Mrs will be moving out with you, so that will help a fair bit.

I might have to organise a Team Alco Perth meetup one of these days (after I finish exams/job interviews), any venues you think would be good?

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Yeah working with a hangover was only bad for like the first hour. I kept getting all dizzy and hot flashes. I ended up getting super drunk off of like 30 beers and some tweed and came home at 3 am, passed out in like 5 seconds. The hardest part was getting myself up in the morning.


I'm extremely tired though, I gotta go back to work for 3 more hours then I'll be cool. I think I'm gonna eat them jawns that I didn't last night and smoke a dutchy then lay around relaxing.

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Man, I so should blaze right now.

I was just laying in my bed figuring out how I can reprogram my brain so all the info I need fo rmy exams is the first thing I access when I walk into that room netx week.

Yes I should be asleep right now. Mt brain seemed to be working too quick so I came on here.

For some reason my net is workign better with IE, and this page looks different.

Please tellme I am not ahllucintaing.

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