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I'll definitely look out for it. Thanks

I get my beer from a 200 beers spot aswell.

Yeah the asian tip seems to do it for me (2nd)

west indies (1st)

russian/polish (3rd)

but in the end i'll drink just about anything except guinness (sorta blasphemy for a west injun, but it's too bitter imo)

shoutsouts to drunk rants and great sentence construction above me


See this is bullshit. Guinness is creamy as fuck. It's not bitter at all. I think people have a shitty perception of "bitter" because they spend all day drinking beer like PBR and Natty Ice, shit that never gets darker than my piss.


Hoppy=Bitter. Sierra Nevada Celebration. Thats a hoppy fucking beer. If you spend one week drinking Guinness you'd be so pissed to drink a shit beer ever again.


EMO I'm going to find you, and I'm gonna buy you all kinds of bitter beers, just so you can enjoy the wonderfullness that comes with not being an emo nigger, and drinking some good beer.





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See this is bullshit. If you spend one week drinking Guinness you'd be so pissed to drink a shit beer ever again.







Now I don't do this often with EBPH however I must cosign this statement. Alot of people drink beer and dont get the full taste they get a taste they are not familiar with and they imediately swallow or spit the beer out. Stick their tounge out with a "YECK." With every beer you try you should take a moderate sip and roll it around the differn't parts of your mouth and tounge so your palate is not overwhelmed by taste. Do it for a couple seconds try to decipher what makes up the beer. Doing this will really open yourself up to new things instead of just passing something off as nasty I swears it.





You should also do this with pretty much every beer you have especially in bars. Knowing what your beer is supposed to taste like can tell you alot about the bar you're getting it from. Dirty tap lines old kegs shit like that. Nowing your taste can keep you from getting sick as well some bars are freaking disgusting not cleaning tap lines for months at a time and shit...

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So on point there Some1!!


Our uni tav is pretty slack at cleaning the lines, and the vast difference in taste of the Stella I have drunk around town is astounding!!


But anywa y'all have to head over to the TEAM ALCO Myspace and post on the new blog as to what your favorite beverages are (I know alot of you have done it here, but go on there and post away!!)


What is you beverage of choice??? - TEAM ALCO Blog!!

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And to what some1 said about swirling it around, if you ever did this with cognac you would know what I mean, it makes the taste that much beeter as oppossed to just swallowign it.


*****But a little heads up to those who listen, every chick I have posted in the Myspace thread lately has had a TEAM ALCO friend request sent thru to them. So if you want their links, just look thru the TEAM ALCO friends list*****


I'm off to bed anyway, goodnight.

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And to what some1 said about swirling it around, if you ever did this with cognac you would know what I mean, it makes the taste that much beeter as oppossed to just swallowign it.



agreed on the swirling. it brings out the flavor more.


some 1 i fell ya on the wine

wine is not my stezz yet i grew up in wine county.

its a lil too heavy tasteing for me.

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I want in the club. I may have disqualified myself on Saturday due to the fact I got alcohol poisoning. Details provided if necessary. EBPH and others were supposed to show up for the Skate Patty's Day festivities but they missed the show...I dunno what show was better, the bands or me rubbing my man boobs all over everyone. Details provided if necessary. Got bounced/beat for hitting a bartender with a skate...but you know I got back in 'till close. So what does it take to be down? Details provided if necessary.

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agreed on the swirling. it brings out the flavor more.


some 1 i fell ya on the wine

wine is not my stezz yet i grew up in wine county.

its a lil too heavy tasteing for me.



I gotta get into the whole wine deal though even just basic knowledge so I can seem sophisticated even if it is just a farce...

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lep, you are more than welcome, just add the Myspace profile and contribute in whatever way you want (telling storys of drunken rampages, which sounds like your St patties day) or by coming up with other shit like responding to the latest blog.





And I have gotten 35 blog views today, and only 2 responses. What is wrong with people when they can't even type up a simple reply??

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I just make associations throughout the night whilist drinking to things I can reference to when the next day rolls around.


Much the same as I do when remembering uni lectures and stuff, like that topic was the day when that chick wore that hella short skirt and shit.


I'm pretty sure this is like using neuro-associations (NLP technique) albeit in a different manner.

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don't be a cunt eh whitey, only i call myself niggerbitchoreodykewhatever

and the best thing about your post was


See this is bullshit. Guinness is bitter shitty shit shit beer



I will still give it another try. As long as it's free, by way of 5 finger or open bar.

Carib tonight, that's it for me until the wkend.


I used to be really good at remembering all that went on while drunk.

But somewhere down the line my memory did a 180, and starting erasing everything that went on while i was drunk. Point A to Point Z, is how i get home.

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don't be a cunt eh whitey, only i call myself niggerbitchoreodykewhatever

and the best thing about your post was





I will still give it another try. As long as it's free, by way of 5 finger or open bar.

Carib tonight, that's it for me until the wkend.


I used to be really good at remembering all that went on while drunk.

But somewhere down the line my memory did a 180, and starting erasing everything that went on while i was drunk. Point A to Point Z, is how i get home.


I DID not say Guinness was shitty. I would never!


You're using your voodoo west indy somalia black magic click click language to twist around my words.

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Damn I just spent the past hour cleaning. Typical of me when I know a woman is coming round. My bathroom looks spotless, cleaned the shower even!! But anyway, I might have to crack a red tonight, just so I can use the tools of the trade:


Otherwise, it is gonna be the whites (Amberly Chenin or Brown Bros. Crouchen Riesling) because I know she likes them sweet.


Somejuan, if you can get a hold of some Brown Bros Crouchen Riesling you should get that singer round and give her some. My old boss referred to it as a Rene Pogel bottle of wine, or if you like, a leg opener. You have to have a pretty sweet tooth to handle it, and you need a few bottles, but it has served me well in the past.


But anyway, what do you out there in internet land think I should drink??



From L to R: Amberley Chenin Blanc, Brown Bros Dolcetto & Syrah, Giesen Sauvignon Blanc, Jacobs Creek St Hugo Cab Sauv, Brown Bros Crouchen Riesling.

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