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obese mother inlaw


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i can't stand this shit anymore. his mom calls like 3-5 times a day!!! we had to get caller id, just to AVOID her phone call. i dont mind talking to her every couple of days, but come on get a fucking life and stop trying to know every single detial about ours. her constant calling, makes it so i dont even want to answer her calls at all anymore. yesterday, i told her i would call her back once i had a moment because i had to put lil man to sleep. what does she do? calls back an hour later! then.. 4 more times before the night is over. than today, she's already called twice in the last hour!! she's going to catch me at a bad time and im going to have to flip out on her. (and she doesnt even call to talk to her son, just me!)


any advice?


change our phone number? how do you tell someone nicely to stop calling so much, and i will return her phone calls when the time is right.. damn

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Re: obbessed mother inlaw


drive over to her house and punch her in the face.. then pull out a big bloody knife and tell her that if she keeps calling you so much you are going to cut out her small intestine and feed it to her. Then repeatedly stab one of her pets for good measure, start drinking its blood as its dying and then throw the corpse at her and walk out.

Trust me on this, She will stop calling you....

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Re: obbessed mother inlaw


just call her a rediculous amount first. I mean every 15 minutes just to ask some retarded question then get off the phone. Your conversations shouldnt be more than 2-3 minutes. Then 15 minutes later call her up again. Keep doing it until she cusses you out.

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