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fucking mythbusters


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I like the episode that disproves that you can't run cheap vodka through a filter to make it become top shelf stuff.....


I had an arguement with someone about that subject


naw, they didnt bust that shit.

i mean, they sorta did, but the guy they brought in to test.

he nailed every one, and put them in order fromnot filtered, to filtered the most, so there has to be something to it.

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no way, the red haired one isnt gay.

other dude is on homo-watch though.


i too hate when cops use computers to do shit that i know cops arent doing with computers.

fucking gaywads.



they sure are. i've got some software i conned my way into "receiving" that does all that digital enhancement shit.


and there's an article out now about pixelation being a waste of time due to the algorythms

being easily "cracked"

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I agree with the comment about hating it when they show cops doing shit that they clearly can't do.


I mean seriously, I won't watch CSI anymore because I know that cops can't even fingerprint half of the shit that they do on that show. Cops also don't have the technology to do most of the shit that they do on CSI. Conversely, they don't need a high tech lab to run DNA tests. I used to work in a lab where they did far more complicated shit and it didn't look half as cool. DNA tests actually require very little equipment and can be done in a location as low tech as a high school classroom.


Give me a break, police precincts don't own sweet ass labs that are all lit up with cool looking blue lights and the like.


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I agree with the comment about hating it when they show cops doing shit that they clearly can't do.


I mean seriously, I won't watch CSI anymore because I know that cops can't even fingerprint half of the shit that they do on that show. Cops also don't have the technology to do most of the shit that they do on CSI. Conversely, they don't need a high tech lab to run DNA tests. I used to work in a lab where they did far more complicated shit and it didn't look half as cool. DNA tests actually require very little equipment and can be done in a location as low tech as a high school classroom.


Give me a break, police precincts don't own sweet ass labs that are all lit up with cool looking blue lights and the like.




the dna tests take sooo fucking long. those labs are backed up from 6 months on. it takes csi (tv) people like 1 day. haha.


regular cops don't have alot of the tech they show on that show, however, the feds do. if it was a show about feds, i'd believe it....


and for all of the morons out there: CSI does not follow a case. they are only involved in evidence gathering and testing. nothing else. on that show, those motherfuckers are detectives, coroners, scientists, and playas.



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I like the episode that disproves that you can't run cheap vodka through a filter to make it become top shelf stuff.....


I had an arguement with someone about that subject


Uhh, are the double negatives in this stateement correct? Or can they really do that shit?

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