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They probably won't ever address this in the show, but I can't be the only one thinking about it....


Dexter is obviously going to have to call the cops now that Rita is dead, right? She's an obvious Trinity victim, so won't it immediately raise suspicion as to why Trinity would go after his wife, especially wihout a 10 year old disappearing first (thus fucking up his well established pattern)? Also, won't Trinity's family probably, at some point, come into contact with/at least SEE Dexter (who they know as Kyle Butler) since his wife is one of his victims?


Maybe I'm thinking too much into it, but yeah

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I have a feeling Quinn is gonna be the one to bust Dexter, but I really hope that's not the case in the end.



Look what happened to Doakes when he got too close. That might be a good story to play with Quinn in the new season.


Seeing that the spoiler alert is up, that ending was fucked! I had a feeling all week something like that was going to happen, but as the show went along I gave up on it. The way they lead into it blew my mind. Well done on their part.


I have no clue how they'll handle this in the next season. Will the bring back Arthur's family, will Dexter bond with them in secret to hide his identity and what Arthur did to his wife? Don't forget, he has all the money for them still. How is Deb's knowledge of Dex's past going to play out? How's Dex going to carry on being a single dad of 3?


Shit is going to be fucking nuts.

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Yeah, I bet Dex wishes he would of got down with some torture instead of playing his favorite song and lettin him run his toy trains




for real.. I watched it again and loved that part even more...



ALSO... THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO ARE WATCHING THIS SHIT!!! [props given or on there way] no one at my work and none of my friends here watch this show,FUCKIN IDIOTS...




:love2: :shy: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Quinn is definitely the new doakes. I also don't think they'll cop out with a dream sequence, mainly because from what I've heard about the books Cody and Aster have the "dark passenger" and Rita's death sets that up perfectly.


Next season should start up in the fall. 9 months to go..

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