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lmao no boady like pakkis ther smelly and thay talk that fuckt up shit that no one understands plus ther 1000000000`s of them thay dont come once at a time all the famaleys comes with them to thay buy corna shops and make more money to bring some more imagrints over fuk the indooooss....:D:D:Dpeac

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what is the worst i've called someone?


nigger, kyke, all that shit. i was misdirected in my younger years.

i don't feel that way about any race any longer. i don't feel the need

to blame a whole race for something one or two people do/did. totally unfair.

we, as the human race, get nowhere fast when we believe that people

are limited in brainpower, love, etc simply beause they have a different pigment.


you may see me talk about illegals, but that isn't a race issue for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have yet to meet a single person who isnt atleat slightly racist.



I used to never feel like I was the slightest bit racist, then I moved down south from Up north and my wife told me on more than 1 occaison that she thinks I'm becoming a racist.


I beleive racism is just an excuse for people not taking the time to get to know one another. I can't stand some types of people, not because of their color, but some peoples manners, customs and culture I can't stand. Does that make me racist?

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First and foremost let me say I am not trying to call any of you racist, and often here I am making generalisations. I think everyone at some point in their life will have either thought or said something racist, it's almost inevitable - maybe you have a relative or co-worker or whatever who has disdain for a certain race, and tells you his/her beliefs. These beliefs may have some influence on you. The important thing is not to let it build up to severe prejudice. For example, I used to have a friend, who seemed ok, then I found out he viewed indians/pakistanis as inferior peoples, and held support for the BNP (British National Party - a fascist party - i'm british - this is why it's relavant). His prejudice began as a joke, then developed. Racism can also be influenced by the location of your home/upbringing. If you were raised where i'm from - middle england - a monocultural place - or perhaps the south/midwest US, then you will have a greater chance of being racist. If you are from an urban centre, then you will probably live in a multi cultural area, and therefore be more tolerant to other races. The worst I have done was to make racist remarks to various black people, when i was alot younger. I was called on this, and so made it my business not to let it happen again. i now strive to make sure I have no prejudice to other races, and am frequently apalled by other members of my local community - white Brits with often right wing views (I am white as well btw). The point is that racism is one of the worst forms of discrimination, and can lead to terrible things (ever heard of the holocaust, the great purge, or apartheid?). Therefore, it is important to keep it out of all of our lives, and tolerate each other.




I'm done now, it's all good

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  • 3 weeks later...
I used to never feel like I was the slightest bit racist, then I moved down south from Up north and my wife told me on more than 1 occaison that she thinks I'm becoming a racist.


I beleive racism is just an excuse for people not taking the time to get to know one another. I can't stand some types of people, not because of their color, but some peoples manners, customs and culture I can't stand. Does that make me racist?


Yes it does.

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I used to say some pretty messed up stuff when I was younger. Now I've been dating a black girl for 3 years and have had the best realationship of my life. Things have changed. But I do still make fun of my mexican friends by calling them beaners. Just a slight joke. But my racism I thought was once just in all fun and then my girl started telling me stories and it really made me rethink things.

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