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its funny...

when i was in nyc a couple years ago, a lot of kids i met at those little "writer/hipster" parties were super loaded...and those were the guys pullin scams, rackin mad shit, breakin bottles startin fights and had records like whoah....



does being loaded have anything to do with having heart and dope style: no


is it useful when you get bagged and need a lawyer, or rent is due: yes

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fuck who gives a shit. its all about style and killin shit. theres always been different pedigrees of writers. rich kids, poor kids, niggaz, crackers, geniuses, dumbfucks, dope and toy. always has been, always will be. i aint rich, but some dudes i've painted with have been. it dont make them any different. they got the same passion for killin shit as you.

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Hahahahahahaahahaha, always at it agaisnt the wealthy man.....


It's funny because by rich, what do you exactly mean? Because I laugh at people who live in outer suburbs, own a Holden Monaro(Vauzhall Monaro to you) and call themselves rich...


It’s funny because non of you have a clue, it takes a lot of time and hard-work…..

My father wasn’t ‘painting’ in his spare time to make his money, he happened to be working.





If it is the attitude you are reffering to that these 'kids' display, maybe you might want to look at 'hardcore gangsta 'nigguah' rapper' who talks about how being all bling bling is the way to be... Gimmi a break

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think if ur a rich writer thats just benefitical to u, easy2get out of trouble dont have2worry bout gettin caught tryin2get ur paint, if i had a shitload of money id do 10 color peices in all krylon/rusto n montana every week n bomb like mad cuz if i got caught id have alot of money2get out

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i'm broke as fuck, no job, no fuckin nothin, livin from couch to couch, and still fuckn rock shit, fuck, you don't plan to get pinched fuckin idiots, you dont need to get out. fucking idiots. RACK RACK RACK. and is it that hard to type "TO" FUCK!!!!! $$$$$$is nice in any fucking situation. FUcking herbs.

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