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Massive Attack


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Appreciation. I saw 'em live yesterday and it was a great show. Even though 3D is the only one still singing. They even brought out Elizabeth Frasier to do her vocals on "Teardrop" and a couple of others. And they played "Hymn of the Big Wheel" and "Unfinished Symphony". Crazy light show, too. See 'em if/while you can.


Before they went on they had this crazy, long thing where they did a red-ticker with all these facts about Boston, including the weather patterns, famous people, and population statistics. It was strange but funny when people cheered for Samuel Adams and booed Ben Affleck.




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Guest spectr

I was going to go see them the other night out here but got distracted by alcoholic beverages i really wish i had gone to the show..

oh well i got my ticket for sts9 on halloween so its all good..

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My ex-girl told me she had tickets to this "Jazz Show" the other night... And asked if I wanted to go. I thought she was on some new age Duke Ellington typea shit and I wasnt in the mood for that. Afterwards I asked her who performed and she said Massive Attack... DAMN!

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Seen them live 3 times or so. They do a good perfomance although their music means nothing to me after mezzanine and its been a while since then. All in all, respect.



I've only listened to a couple of tracks off 100th Window, nothing I could get into but I'll probably try again now that my interest has been re-kindled. This tour was to support their Collected album and they only did a couple of tracks off 100th Window. Mostly Mezzanine tracks, and unfortunatly very little few tracks off of Protection. In fact, I think they might have only done 1 off of Protection. They didn't do "Protection", "Karmacoma", or "Spying Glass", which was disapointing for me. I can see not doing "Karmacoma" since only 3D was there, but they could have done "Protection" or "Spying Glass" since Horace Andy was there, too. Tricky was with them for Protection, too, btw.

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massive attack put on a great show.. however, the vocal's were a little drowned out by the rest of the band. i'm assuming this was because of the venue's acoustics. having two drummers playing live adds a lot of dynamic and creates an awesome sound. if i'm not mistaken, thievery coorporation had two drummers when i saw them on '03.


the lights/ticker screens were awesome. i've seen those kinds of lights at other shows (radiohead)-- they're so badass. they (the lighting people, i guess) incorporate those light columns, spotlights and fog to make some crazy effects.

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well this was in London. I don't know where STL is...

He was good. too much old material though for the first half hour. The rest was banging. Keak Da Sneak and Numps = sick.


Stl is Saint Louis, Missouri, USA. I dig his old shit more than the new bay area vibe he's on

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I hate the term "trip-hop", someone asked me what kind of music they played the other day and I was struggling to put a name on it in place of "trip-hop". Massive Attack doesn't even like the term "trip-hop". No one does, except the stupid people who try to make "trip-hop" and the Sneaker Pimps (blegh).

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