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Buenos Aires

Blood Feast Island Man

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oh yeah....for a good restaurant....i went to a place called "Siga La Vaca"...which means "Follow the Cow"......all you can eat steak....kind of pricey but you leave the spot hella full....they cook every part of the cow...so be careful what you eat...i ate tripe...i didnt like it...but the steaks were good...just go to the little window where they are cooking the meat and point to what you want......


link for the restaurant:



interesting fact: the average argentinian eats 3 times more meat per year than the average american does.


as far as graff goes.....


there is no security at all on the boxcars or passenger cars....i saw a few pieces on the passenger cars...but none on the boxcars....the layups aren't completely fenced in either...it would be easy to paint but if you get caught out there..youre pretty much fucked..


as far as dancing..


the national dance is the tango...holla!

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Yo yo this is an absolute shot in the dark (and I´m sorry to bump up an old thread for my first post but I can´t start a new thread as a first poster or something) but I´m an Australian backpacking through South America and currently have found myself in Buenos Aires for the next week. Was looking to see if anyone has any local knowledge (or better yet local residence) and could help me out with spots, places to grab paint, or even hooking up to paint in general.


If so reply or PM me, I´ll be checking this thing 24/7 and hanging out for a response.



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you can get paint at a couple of places, google montana argentina and you can get the location of 2 posts within the city to buy paint. there are a couple of day spots that you can paint and nobody will bother you, the main spot is called donado and its in the barrio of saavedra. if not the train lines can be done at night without a problem.


hope that helps.

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