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Scary Movies ---> obscure ones...


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yo nigga's you forgot the fucken exorcist!!! that moving had me scared for weeks!!


I heard that the newer faces of death were all fake?


there's this other movie I can't remember the name, but it involves these two chicks, on get kidnapped by a crazy murder with a chainsaw and shit, fuck can't remember the name. Shit was bloddy and the ending fucks u up in the head!

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ive gone a bit overboard but i love horror movies. luckily when i was in 1st grade my parents never gave a shit that every time we went to rent movies i always grabbed like 3-4 gory movies. every drawing i ever did in elementary school had to involve killing something. my teachers often called my mother saying that i was disturbed and showed possible signs of a future serial killer. anyone remember fangoria? well here you go.


film buff horror 1930~1960's



call of cthulu


bride of frakenstein


the mummy

pit and the pendulum

dr jekyll and mr hyde

hunchback of notre dame

invisible man

the wolf man

the creature from the black lagoon

phantom of the opera

the fly

the abominable dr. phibes

invasion of the body snatchers and the remake

the haunting

the blob and the remake


all the abbott and costello meet the... films

village of the damned

13 ghosts (original)



night of the living dead

rosemary's baby


classics 1970~1980s





basket case



the last house on the left

friday the 13th 1-4

nightmare on elm street 1-3

halloween 1

texas chainsaw massacre 1 and 2nd remake


the omen

the hills have eyes 1 & 2

children of the damned

children of the corn

tales from the darkside

the shining

zombi 2 (italian)

gates of hell

i spit on your grave

prom night


cats eye

amityville horror 1

evil dead

army of darkness



monkey shines


from beyond

hellraiser 1 & 2

motel hell

scanners 1 & 2

the thing

the changling


poltergeist 1 & 2

night of the demons 1 &2

the howling

american werewolf in london

dead ringers

the funhouse

the stuff

april fools day

swamp thing

deadly friend

grims prairie tales

dawn of the dead

day of the dead

return of the living dead 1 & 2


the dead zone


the shining

salems lot

pet semetary


toxic avenger

class of nukem high

lady in white



1990s ~ 2000




the kingdom

jacobs ladder


people under the stairs

puppet master

child's play


night of the creeps


silent night deadly night

ghoulies 1 &2

prince of darkness

in the mouth of madness




new 2000~ present


dead end

rose red

shaun of the dead

12 days of terror

cabin fever

tsui harks fampire hunters


jeepers creepers 1 2




i really dont watch new horror movies they all pretty much blow but im sure that a few gems are out there.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
whats the one circus movie thats black and white and has a midget that is married to another midget but is in love with a regular sized woman but the regular sized woman is just using him?





One of Us!!!!


One of Us!!!


Gooble Gobble, Gooble Gobble

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there was this one flick where the plot was basically the same as that Time Killers game.


It was a bunch of dudes from different times/dimensions who all had to meet up on earth and fight.. and in the end the winner beams back to the 'warlords' that arranged it and merks them.


i can't remember the name though.

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Seriously, I felt the same way the first time I watched that movie and I've talked to a grip of people who've said the same thing. I don't know what it was that made that movie so bug, but I've heard more than a handfull of people say that it's one of the only movies that ever really scared them.


I think it was the little split-second, subliminal-esque clips of the demons ripping the ship's previous passengers to shreds that must've done it for me.



i was the same as you guys...


that shit was trippy when you are younger.

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the thing. more of a thriller.




No way man, pure horror. Thrillers don't have stomachs turning into a bottomless abyss that rips peoples hands off.



The Cell was GAY, btw. Shit like that or Nightmare on Elm Street or the new remakes of old films aren't obscure, either. Fuck flashy, MTV-cut shit. True horror is in the subtleties, subtext and the long, fixed shots of gore. Quick-cuts are for pussies.

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whats the one circus movie thats black and white and has a midget that is married to another midget but is in love with a regular sized woman but the regular sized woman is just using him?




Freaks. Great film. "GABBA GABBA WE ACCEPT YOU WE ACCEPT YOU ONE OF US". Used all actual freak show residents as actors.

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