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All the denominations of the way people dress, and what to do about it.


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that reminds me of the first time i came to s.f. i tripped out on these ads on the sides of buses with some evil syphillis cells and a penis with a superman outfit it was some fucked cartoon telling you not to spread vd.

just think of the children and them wanting to grow up to be super penis




you mean this???



we got them..



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I'm really just against people trying to "be" something. Working really hard on your jacket putting studs on it and sewing patches to your pants is stupid, what are you trying to prove? I listen to more hip hop than many people around me, but you still might see me in a polo and khaki shorts. That's because I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, I'm not trying hard to do something like that. I listen to different kinds of music and such, but that has nothing to do with my clothes whatsoever.

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Well, I'm growing up and have reached the point in the past 2 years, where I'm involved with people who judge other people, and really examine it (which happens from about 15-till you die). So I'm not sure if it's a new thing or not to have a certain group of people critisize more than often.


So people of 12oz, riddle me this.


Pretty much everyone in the word will say they have something against the following groups of people. Hipsters. Ghetto People. Hip-Hoppers. People who only wear really expensive rare gear (The Alife/IRAK brand of hipsters). Cyclists. And bassically any other group involving anything esoteric or obscure (Everyone). And even the people who just dress normally, or wear wack shit, because they are lame.


So I came here basically for all those who 'hate' these kind of people. What kind of things should you wear if your not, 'Hip' or something along those lines. Where do you draw the lines, and what do you consider not to be dumb or lame. There are some obvious examples of lame things, like Urban Outfitters, or Girl Jeans, Emo, and stuff, but what's really cool and not hip? What's not lame to you.


You get what I mean, elaborate.




Last time I thought about stupid shit like this was in late middle school or early high school.





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I'm really just against people trying to "be" something. Working really hard on your jacket putting studs on it and sewing patches to your pants is stupid, what are you trying to prove? I listen to more hip hop than many people around me, but you still might see me in a polo and khaki shorts. That's because I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, I'm not trying hard to do something like that. I listen to different kinds of music and such, but that has nothing to do with my clothes whatsoever.


I agree, people who rely on their clothes and interests to make themselves appear interesting are the most boring, unoriginal kids about.


things just really piss me off. like punks. okay you look like a 70s punk but isnt the whole thing about punk being rebelious and anarchic? would a real punk dress like a 70s punk? and then you get your modern day psycho-billy whatever punk kids who are just weak.

everything just seems contrived and weak nowadays. and when something "new" does come along like the emo "culture" it's always so pre-packaged and easy.


ut! I could rant about this sort of stuff forever.

it really gets on my tits.



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I wear whatever I think looks dope in my opinion.


I would be "hiphop" by someone who is labeling me, but my preference is very wide legged jeans because I don't like the pants touching my legs on more than one side as it makes me feel weird and constricted. For shirts I more so just make my own, that say shit like Fuck Emo Kids, or shit to do with underground so I'm not labeled as a Young Joc listening-to wigger. Kicks I come with the retro Jordans always.


Clothes do represent you, I always pick apart every person I see's outfit in my mind. If you got a plain shirt and plain jeans and plain shoes my brain says "boring." If you got some homo shit on like an AFI shirt or a Shady eminem shirt then my brain says "homo."

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youre over thinking this whole thing big time. i know personally i only hate on the way people dress because it one more thing to make fun of them about. i dont really care what they are wearing. they could be wearing the same shirt that i own and wear and if i feel the need to rag on them i will gladly make fun of it simply because its there and available. every piece of clothing on this planet is lame for some reason or another so i wouldnt worry about it. wear what you wear, dont get all serious about it and know that there will always be an asshole like me who will be able to make fun of you regardless of what you wear or do.

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but what's really cool and not hip? What's not lame to you.


Dude, you have to know that. You must transcend all that bullshit and actually wear what you like and not what people tell you, to be wearing cool clothing, and then its not the clothing thats cool, its the fact that your wearing it that makes it cool.

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