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Japan..any questions?


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thats an interesting mix of things


yeah, life can get pretty interesting when you spend your summers painting other people's property and trying to be successful. idiot friends with myspace accounts are a fucking problem and will get you into shit loads of trouble fyi.


thanks serum, i really have been considering this as an option, but if its only 24k a year, that probably wont cut the mustard with my student loans and living expenses in japan unless i can get a job teaching online intro psych as well. i might consider korea as an option. from what my homie says the skatepark is far, trees are non-existent and getting drunk costs pennies in korea. doesnt sound too bad from where im at other than the trees thing. if you cant gather it from my response to kofsm i'm on probation for vandalism.


mostly my concern is being able to book gigs while im there, 24k a year isnt bad if i can supplement it with doing live music.

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dr swindle

my only advice is dont get caught. there is no general rule for what will happen everything is case by case.

they could tell you hey you cant do that here please stop or they could throw you in jail for 23 days and require a hefty fine. usually they just like a fine. could be a few thousand dollars though.

oh yeah and a quick word of advice on your attitude if ever caught. do not act like a hard ass with them. this isnt the west. if you get caught and are taken in, you should act scared, apologize a million times,

and go along with their questions willingly.

if you cop an attitude and don't look remorseful they will throw the book at you. apologize and they may be lenient. it seems like the puss way of dealing with the situation but it will make a ton of difference on the outcome.

in my experience tokyo people are snitches. they love to get right on their cell phone to call on someone. in kansai area or kyushu they generally hate the police and will almost ignore anything.



got told it was a cheap fine, by someone who is/was over there painting.


what about trains? easy to find (yards)? subway tunnels? anything?




not to make it sound like i wana rape the country for all its worth. just getting the thread going again.



also; drinking age?

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great pics daily crunch. thanks for posting. the first pic are kitsune (foxes) they are magical and

can transform into humans and other animals. they are at the shrine in order to deliver the message from god to the humans. yokai are awesome.


public enemy the salary i quoted is what is minimum

if you stay in tokyo with some major networking you could potentially get yourself into a higher paying gig

also with your masters degree you have the possibility of getting a university job.

they are very few of them out there because its a real cushy job and most people stay a long time

pass those jobs onto their friends. they are never advertised. also universities usually want a

certain level of japanese fluency.

im not familiar with korea's music scene but if music is your thing then japan may be the place to be.

with their live house venues you could play every night to people that would be willing to listen to

anything you played. kobe is into some pretty hardcore noise drum and bass. like some shit that

takes years off your life of hearing and ive seen venues packed for that stuff. but i wouldnt count on getting paid. its pretty rare.




swindle the drinking age is 20 but aint no one going to card you.

no such thing as a cheap fine. if it did happen well the person that caught him gave hime a huge break

the owner can create any magical number

and you must pay. i knew a toy j writer that painted a decrepit shutter. that fucking thing

was rusted, with holes and was off the hinges. he was caught by a hero and forced to pay $6,400

therefore i used to call him rokuju yonman-MAN (price in japanese yen) and completely disregarded his graff n dance name

i dont rack but yeah its a piece of cake. just remember that stealing is extremely looked down upon

even by criminals.

yards well, i'll keep that info to myself but like anything if you're doing that sort of stuff in your home country

you should be able to figure out how to do it in Japan. if you get caught be prepared to be

anally butt reemed with your name all over the news, and a huge fine. $10,000 average depending on the line and how many customers lost out on that train running

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Big Serum any plans to re-appear?


yeah but not until I break through that glass ceiling.

my patience for English teaching was gone after the first year of doing that.

every year after that was just stress taking years off my life

its not like teaching is the problem, students are great its the other crap, shady middlemen,

1 year contracts that just so happen to start in April but end in Feb therefore no vacation pay,

working summers with no kids at the school only me and a the lunch lady, free lessons to teachers

principals, superintendents, mayors, and random obaachans simply because i obviously just love speaking my native tongue on the weekends to random strangers.

on call 10am-930pm but only work 4 hours a day at the conversation schools,

or working 745am-530pm and only have 2-3 classes finish at 10 but have to stay until 530 just because...


I'd like to eventually take that JLPT 1 but my kanji study habits aren't that great.

It will take me forever to get the 2000-2500 kanji to pass.

I had the choice of learning to speak or learning to read and chose the obvious one.

hows your kanji going? the first 500 are easy anything after that all looks the damn same

plus all the variations on the pronunciations are nothing but tedious


we should open a gaijin host club where we just drink all night and scheme the hostesses out of their

hard earned yen:)

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grilled Squid with a cold beer is the best beerfood ever IMO.

i eat raw squid guts and love em.

You all need to learn the joy of Natto!!!!


BIG SERUM-! am probably close to 500 but getting bored of the squiggly little fuckers. What a ridiculously difficult system. Booo Kanji and especially boo to fat white girls with Kanji neck tattoos- the 200's hottest tramp stamp.

I have a Daruma which means that I have to be able to read enough to get through a manga. After that I am through. My speaking is getting pretty OK though.

some old pics from my photobucket- sorry if you have seen em before.












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I don't think I am treated like shit....There is a bit of stupidity but it usually boils down to ignorance and curiosity. There are a few racists here and there but it's rare. Considering us foreigners come here and marry their hottest women, and make hot mixed babiesb ( no homo) , they are pretty nice and forgiving- even the men. In a lot of Asian cities you would get evil eyes at best. In Korea for example, they will come up to your lady friend and call her a race traitor... I wold have to defend her honor with a flying headbutt, but them Koreans are huge due to military service so I would lose....badly.

I respect them for the live and let live mentality. Very Admirable.


I guarantee you will have fun in Japan- even if you only hang with your granny.

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Awesome thread. So, let me ask something. You say they treat white people like shit?


my girlfriend always tells me about this.

and i always tell her i wouldnt give a fuck and do something offensive.

what i dont get is how western culture is so big down there, yet they hate on americans?


idk maybe that question is the reason they treat us like shit?


i plan on being in japan by next year.

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I was never really treated like shit either. I think if you know how to act and be polite, you'll be fine. But you turn into a loud, rude american, people will look down on you. Some japanese guys will try to be superior to you, but it's easy enough to just laugh and ignore them.


I'm not half japanese, but most of my friends were, and they were treated like any other japanese person. You will be expected to speak japanese more than a complete foreigner would though.



Twinky, I'm very happy for Japan that you will never be going there.

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So my cousins mate just came back from Japan, he said the best info someone could have givin him was to rack EVERYTHING. Whats the truth in this?



Serum already answered this

read up biotch.

cliffnotes- EASY BUT RISKY

Jap JAils are no joke and a shoplifter is bottom rung.

I steal hearts.

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in terms of treatment of foreigners no matter what its human nature to like your own kind

and be generally suspicious of other races and nationalities. But considering japan's history

with america you would expect them to literally hate our guts. but they don't.

i get along great with the ww2 children generation. they are old men, old school, smart well read,

and have the same characteristics that i look up to in my own grandfather.


there are good westerners that come to japan and there are bad ones.

i'm quiet, polite, and enjoy assimilating to their way of living.

things that may disappoint me are that no matter how much i assimilate, speak the language,

have kids that go to japanese schools, i will still feel like an outsider.

its something that you just have to accept as human nature. and the japanese nature

imo is very pure. they are very innocent people, mostly nonviolent, and are more open minded

to other things than any culture i know.


then i have the friends that are absolutley against assimilating to japanese culture, hate the japanese

men, have very few close japanese friends, refuse to learn the language, and are generally miserable

in japan. which when you think about it those are the same traits that we westerners resent about

the immigrants that come to our countries that they dont learn the language follow our rules, culture,

and have no desire to assimilate. mostly they are just there to earn a buck.

these friends are loud, complain about japan more than a normal amount, (that amount is debatable)

will wear their shoes inside the house, bump into people and be generally rude.

its a crowded country and in order for all out chaos not to happen you need to follow the rules.


i have never been stopped while walking around at 4am and asked for id from the police,

i have been arrested and let go, i have been pulled over and didnt have my license and let go,

i have lost my train ticket and not made to pay when i got off, ive lost my gaijin card and got it returned

an hour later. so i would say japan is a pretty great place to live.

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i have lost my train ticket and not made to pay when i got off


I bought a child's ticket at the wrong price one time, went to use the fare adjuster machine, ticket was eaten, gate guy told me to come to the window and charged me the difference still using the child's price.



Also if anyone is going to use the odaiba monorail, I would suggest NOT buying a child's ticket even though there is no ticket window. They have normal looking people monitoring the gates, and will stop you after you get out of the station. My friends and I just said we didn't know how to buy the tickets and had someone else buy them for us. One of my friends was Japanese, so it didn't go over too well, but we just had to buy a normal ticket instead of a 5000 fine.

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oh yeah and what power bill said about korea

i have never felt more unwelcome than in korea.

they truly have it out for us for whatever reason, korean war, joining the army, etc

if you have a friend there and he introduces you into a group youll have a good time

but going there not knowing anyone you will generally come home feeling like shit.

my hotel guy threw the key at me when i was checking in, i waited for 30 minutes to be

served in a pizza place because no one wanted to wait on me, i pointed at the picture menu about

what i want and the bitch yelled at me while waiting on every new customer that came in.

i got pushed out of stores by old women.

but i still love korean movies, people, food etc i just wouldnt want to go back there.


i guarantee the worse thing that will happen to you in japan will be people staring at you.

with a cold blank look. your imagination will run wild. the hot girl could be thinking damn i wonder how

he would be like in bed, the hiphop guy is thinking wow cool shirt i wish i could be that cool,

the salary man is thinking what kind of job does this fool have.. probably an engrish teacher at nova,

the house wife is thinking i hope my daughter doesnt bring home someone like that one day. or they could be

thinking absolutely nothing at all and just see something that stands out confused what to think.

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