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dear 16-40 year old southern people who live in the ghetto and are porbbaly black...


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Can anyone tell me whats up with black dudes with long ass fingernails? not like one long coke nail, or thumb nails for blunt activities, but like.. all their fucking nails are long as some chicks. does anyone else here understand how fucking gross that shit is or is it some new hip hop thing.. men now have to look like what a transvestite who has a day job must look like. little hints of faggotry shine through. clashes with the stupidly giant white t-shirt, which is another GAY FUCKING TREND.

just like timberlands in the fucking scorching summer.


southern georgia is somethimes fucking lame.

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Re: dear 16-40 year old southern people who live in the ghetto and are porbbaly black


Well, your life just got worse... I saw a preview for tomorrows Oprah and she's gonna show a million and one reasons why she's in love with a certain white t-shirt. She'll probably pass them out to the whole crowd (far from a car) . After she announced it she made that OprAH! noise so I'm pretty sure the beast is awakening.


KoH... My neighbor's son-in-law (not Pauly Shore) is a Miluakee thug, well, ex-thug/current tatoo artist (he's good) and he has those girly ass nails. They are like 3/4" long, clear polished and shaped to a point like you might expect from the goth crowd. I thought it was something to do with being 'a black' in Wisconsin.

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Can anyone tell me whats up with black dudes with long ass fingernails? not like one long coke nail, or thumb nails for blunt activities, but like.. all their fucking nails are long as some chicks. does anyone else here understand how fucking gross that shit is or is it some new hip hop thing.. men now have to look like what a transvestite who has a day job must look like. little hints of faggotry shine through. clashes with the stupidly giant white t-shirt, which is another GAY FUCKING TREND.

just like timberlands in the fucking scorching summer.


southern georgia is somethimes fucking lame.


i didn't read the whole thing...but black dudes with long fingernails = crack



give a little in the pinky nail

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The REAL question is...What the hell are you doing in South GA on a bike knowing there are only about 5 traffic lights in that bitch? People are gonna be driving crazy. Also, you gotta know how hard it is to avoid pedestrians on a bumpy ass dirt road with no sidewalks...


<------16-40 yr old black woman who lived in Southern Ga for a good minute


I've almost hit people too. If drunk niggas would quit passing out on the bridge, I wouldnt have that problem.

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Re: dear 16-40 year old southern people who live in the ghetto and are porbbaly black


Seriously, I can't understand willfully ignorant shit either.

Dude comes into the shop like four days ago, mouth full of gold, Giant white t-shirt, TWO cell phones(which he used alternating the entire time he was talking to me) and says " lemme git my baby girl's name on my arm....I just had to bury her two days ago.maybe thre..hell I dont know when it was..."

So I figure..maybe he is distraught about having to bury his daughter(even though he is all laughing with his boys and trying to sweet talk some chick on his cell phones the whole time) and THATS why he desn't remember when it was...ok...fine..lets continue. ok whats her name? "Madison" ok can you write it down here so i can have the correct spelling? "man I don't know how to spell that shit..."





Seriously. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling around in his grave right now.

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Yall don't even know... you can't even begin to imagine the nightmare spellings (and names in general) I used to get coming thru the t-shirt shop... and jokers WILL drop fast coin on something less permanent that a tatoo... but then they'll show up a week later complaining how 'we' (meaning 'they') spelled 'Daneeshay' wrong and acting like I'm somehow retarded because I didn't just pick up on that before we printed the shirts.

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Hey, for real tho... I made up a book full of all our trees with blanked out spaces on the branches for names... it's like 30 pages long so folks come in, go through the book, pick a tree and hand me a list of names, seems infallible...


*oh, and if you wondered about Deneeshay... turns out it ends in an 'i'... Daneeshai, who knew?

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Re: dear 16-40 year old southern people who live in the ghetto and are porbbaly black


Seriously, I can't understand willfully ignorant shit either.

Dude comes into the shop like four days ago, mouth full of gold, Giant white t-shirt, TWO cell phones(which he used alternating the entire time he was talking to me) and says " lemme git my baby girl's name on my arm....I just had to bury her two days ago.maybe thre..hell I dont know when it was..."

So I figure..maybe he is distraught about having to bury his daughter(even though he is all laughing with his boys and trying to sweet talk some chick on his cell phones the whole time) and THATS why he desn't remember when it was...ok...fine..lets continue. ok whats her name? "Madison" ok can you write it down here so i can have the correct spelling? "man I don't know how to spell that shit..."





Seriously. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling around in his grave right now.




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