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Mac vs. PC In The Design World


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  • 3 weeks later...
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here's the FINAL WORD on the mac vs. pc argument:






IT DOESN'T MATTER. The big apps will run on either system.


The notable exception is Final Cut Pro that will onyl run on a mac,

but it's a tinker toy compared to real video editing software.

Maya (the only real app for 3D) can run on anything, but runs best on linux.


Really..... the computer is just supposed to run in the background and let you be creative.


Maya is not the only real app for 3d!

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  • 3 months later...

you cant run fruityloops studios through a mac. im better with fruity loops than garage band. music is all ive learned to get technical with using computers but for the future im thinking of doing some photography stuff, expand my hobbies etc. ive seen my friends mac shit out alot but hes just a retart so...feedback?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I work on macs at work and pc's at home. I prefer pc's.


My main problem with mac's are they are too user friendly. Plus if something goes wrong with the hardware it takes much longer to get it fixed. And macs are not invulnerable as most of the jockers would like you to think. Ive had two comps go out on me, on my school G5, the logic card/board died (two weeks later i got it back), and my work mac a g4 laptop crashes maybe once every two weeks...


my PC crashed maybe twice in the past 2 yrs I've had it?


...but of course what will I be dropping two grand on in the next month? yeah a mac i don't really want.

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  • 5 months later...

Well, I haven't really read the other responses.. But i prefer mac..


I own a interactive design firm and my offices are all macs... everything from design, accounting, business software, is all ran on our macs.


At home i have a brand new pc... Its 3ghz tons of ram, blah blah. It crashes like every 20 min... randomly goes off line, etc.


I personally will never buy a pc again. I wouldn't shell out my heard earned cash for a crappy computer.


You can buy a civic or a mercedes... both are good cars and serve a purpose... the way i look at it.

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You know those guys who drive around in those cars that have all that shit all over them?... the rear spoiler, the ground effects, big ass sticker across the top of the windshield, chrome shit here and there, the interior is all crazy inside with lights and shit and the stereo has more going on than the car. You know the ones.


When I see those computers (the ones posted just above me) I'm reminded of those cars. And as you probably guessed, it makes me giggle a little bit.


I can't remember the name brand of the second image but the company I do design work for, that's all they used. I think they had seven of those desktops (looked different though) and a bunch of laptops. After a year of working with them, me on a Mac, the boss bought an iMac for kicks mostly but also to make things easier for me. Several months after having the iMac, I went in for a meeting and everyone had Mac laptops. The first word out of my bosses mouth was "don't say a word..." because he and I used to have have these friendly Mac vs. PC battles all the time. He hated Mac. Now his whole company runs on a Mac. They use Windows but on Macs.

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Macs are preferred because well, its been that way for a long time. Now it doesn't really mattter, theres pros and cons to each side. Since macs have been used in print and desktop publishing longer you'll typically run into less font-related problems but I go to a school that has a pretty well known design program and all of the graphic design students use macs but they aren't doing anything that I can't do on my PC at home. The stability of OSX probably factors into the decision a bit but I personally haven't had any problems out of any of the PC's I've built. I think they both just have a specific target audience..mac for people who just want a hassle free user experience that allows them to do exactly what they need to do, and pc's for power users and people who want to customize the hell out of their machine (not to say that macs aren't for powerusers too because the terminal is there..it just requires more unix knowledge)...as far as design goes though, the adobe software is all cross-platform. final cut for mac is just as good as premiere on windows, for 3d stuff cinema4d and maya are available, so are pc versions plus 3d studio max...all of which are used in different areas of the industry, not to mention you can install windows on any of the intel-based macs...so the need to choose between 1 or the other is slowly disappearing for most.

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As for the guy who claims Apple will cease making computers in a year or so... I highly doubt you think that claim to be true. With all the creative world at their doorstep giving feedback and praising the Apple computer for it's abilities... I can't imagine they'd just give up on that and focus on iPods.



no shit. apple/mac users are like a cult.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
uh Vista? hows that working for you?

oh thats right its not. Sorry.


Actually lately I've been reading a good number of people that are fed up with the new Mac OS and are actually going back to PC (I read several posts, yes I know this is not the majority of people and all machines are prone to problems). That's not something you hear of very often. In fact most Mac users are fiercely loyal to Apple and will beat you with a rusty pipe if you talk smack about their fancy cased PC (they are made out of all the same parts, it's just the OS that seperates them)


I've stuck with PCs because most times you get more bang for your buck, and if you are so inclined you can choose every single component. Also I do a lot of work in Maya, and at the time I purchased it, it was not available for the mac.


I almost switched last year, but once again their video car configs were either crazy expensive, or a generation old.


But design is design, has very little to do with the computer you use. Most software is available on both platforms so it's really just a matter of personal preference. There are a few things like Shake and Logic Audio that are Mac only (because Apple bought them) but there are similar tools that are available to the PC such as combustion, cubase, ProTools etc.


Oh and I'm running Vista 64 bit and it's been rock solid for me. I don't know why people say it's such crap, it just wasn't designed to run on older hardware, and most vendors are putting their priority in writing drivers for their new gear, not slaving over drivers for a 4 year old video card. It is a bit bloated though, and heavy on resources, but if you have a beefy machine it's a good operating system. I remember everyone saying how crappy XP was when it first came out, now people won't give it up. Same will happen with Vista once the service packs are released and it becomes more stable for more people.


Just my $.02

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as far as back in the day, there was no debate - macs were the only computers with a stable enough OS and consistent enough processor to handle those huge 3 gig poster sized hi res print graphic files...



but now its more of preference - macs are easier but more expensive to upgrade, have less freeware, and have recentlbeen enacting increasingly more fasciest business practices.



I run mac and have for about 8 years, built pcs before that, and I do audio, video, and graphics.


5 years ago it would be no argument. Now you can do the same on PCs but you have to be on your shit about all aspects of computers. If you are a designer chances are you dont know extreme geek computer skills - and you dont have to - thats why macs are the obvious choice.


PCs processing power is strong enough... but also I can count on my hands the times ive had to manually restart my powerbook as opposed to PCs which have that blue screen alll the time. I recommend MAC if you are starting out with computers in general or you are major about design. Of you know how to build, debug, mod, and repair PC from the ground up, then go with that.



They are like cars - a MAC is a Lexus - expensive, works well, does a lot from the get go, and costly to modify and upkeep


PC is a caprice - its simple, easy to fix and modify, cheap, and breaks dwn with a new problem each week. If your a mechanic you can run with that

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The main reason I prefer a PC is cost. Most people I know with macs have to spend a lot more not only for the initial product but you have to get the apple care or whatever they call the extended warranty. Believe it or not they can, and do fail, especially the powerbooks which cost a lot to get repaired.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
you cant run fruityloops studios through a mac. im better with fruity loops than garage band. music is all ive learned to get technical with using computers but for the future im thinking of doing some photography stuff, expand my hobbies etc. ive seen my friends mac shit out alot but hes just a retart so...feedback?


Yea; feedback: Fruityloops suxxx. Garageband suxxx.

Why would you use either?


Tip: Get a fairly priced MIDI Keyboard/Controller (200-325$). Get an interface. Pirate Reason 4 and Logic 8.

Have a fucking blast making professional beats. And use a fucking Mac if you want to actually spend your time making the damn music, instead of troubleshooting your days away on a PC.


I'm literate in most Audio programs and DAWS for Mac and PC. And I'll tell ya, Mac baby.

PC is mega bullshit. Never once have had any Mac go wrong on me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a design/marketing sense macs will do the job better.

Adobe programs will run much better on a mac, because they are mac based. Illustrator, Photoshop, etc..

Essentially both systems do the same job, macs run Adobe a lot smoother though. For people using programs like Maya, PC's are the general choice, but Linux is a lot better.

Unix based OS > Windows any day

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Ginger Bread Man

no one can front on macs ease of use and design.


we can sit and debate all day long but in the end both do the job properly.


i just feel i can finish my work quicker/seemlessly than i would be able to on a pc.


ive owned 4 different macs in the past as well as about 6 pcs.


it used to be that programs only ran on windows or os but now all that has changed and as many have pointed out both systems run most serious vid/foto/audio etc programs.


also you can not negate the fact that there are virtually nil viruses for macs.


trust me i go to the corners of the internet and have never had a virus.

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