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Do you ever wonder what they are doing now?


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HighSchool was full of so much bullshit wack ass drama, and as for the people at my highschool that lived for it? most of them couldent handle the real world after highschool, some bitches ended up getting pregnant, going to the wrong party and getting raped, dying in car accidents,or working shitty jobs shit i feel they deserve somthing to wake them the fuck up a realize highschool wasnt shit, and as the the guys same ol shit, becoming dads and never admitting to it getting arrested working shitty jobs, or NOT haveing a job at all and having to steal money from thier parents, learning what happened to some of these people made me sit back and laugh and i was damn happy i did good in school. reality is a bitch and it makes my day to walk into the local footlocker and see "stacy" the "hottest bitch at school" trying to sell me shoes and frowning when she sees how fat my wallet is. "oh geeb! how are things going?"

me:im doing alright, how are things goign with you?"

stacy:im doing okay...so where do you work now? we should hang out sometime!

me:maby not, give me my shoes...oh yea im RICH BIATCH!


i dont mean to sound like some square fart, but i was realistic with my shit and i knew highschool wasnt even the start of my life.


You sound like a real asshole. Congradulations.

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I was having a laugh with an old friend of mine from school the other day, and we got to chatting about people we used to go to school with and how they have changed. It is actually quiet interesting and funny to see the different directions people go in once they get older.


A few recent examples of people I have bumped into / avoided bumping / wish i could bump into since i left school.


There was this dude at school who used to be real into sports and pretty smart from all reports. He was of italian origin but never got carried away with the whole Mafia scene (which is very popular amongst young Italian youths in Melbourne) Pretty decent dude. I saw him a few weeks ago completely junked out wondering in and out of peoples front yards. I was going to stop and say hello but i didn't really want to wreck his high by making him think.


There was also this guy who used to think he was a 'mad scientist' and i don't mean mad as in 'yo jimmy those pink high-tops are mad' i mean like he used to put on these things called 'his power glasses' and it would allow him to see through walls mad. The school didn't really know how to handle such a lunatic so he used to just drift in and out of classes singing happy birthday to random people. I haven't heard anything about this guy but im assuming he mad millions possibly billions selling those glasses.


Also this girl i used to know is a stripper. Im not sure were or if this is even true, but i like to tell my friends i know a stripper. I think they can tell im bluffing or that its a half truth but it's my story and im sticking with it.


Please discuss people you used to know.


yo dude, someone should probably tell you that your life reads just like a lost chapter from catcher in the rye.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Wondered about that too, here is the list


Most people I went to highschool with never really amounted to anything and still live in Texas doing the same crap.


This one girl that I used to date with be came a lesbian and is now with some bull ass dyke and they move to europe where the bull dyke is from and now she is broke.


Another girl I know works an office job for minimum wage


Duder I used to skate with is now a taxi driver.


Another chick who I used to think was so hot and used to be a hardcore Chirstian went to collage got addicted to meth, beaten by many boyfriends and raped, and now she cleaned up and became a import model.




Other chicks I used to know are fat and have tons of puppies.

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i think if you're 7 years out of high school, still living at home, not really having a job or working a really shitty one because you have to, still getting high all the time and jerking off to reruns of caroline and the city, then many people should feel free to say that you haven't done anything with your life... yet

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this one chick me and my boy used to always talk about wanting to fuck when we were kids, well, now she's his wife.


the funniest guy ive ever met in my life shot himself last month


my anti-coke school buddy is now a coke dealer


my most scandelous homie is now 100% legit and making BANK selling cell phones in a rich hood


this chick i used to always tease is now hot as fuck and a model (or so her myspace says...)


my angry friend is still unemployed but heavy into mma training

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One guy is still waiting tables and trying to make it as a boxer


One dude is selling cell phones at the mall


One friend got his PHD in music composition


One guy got married and is addicted to certain drugs.


Another guy is slowing dissolving his brain with cocaine



Fuck, most of my friends from back in the day turned out to be complete losers. I see them around and I feel the need to play down how well i' been doing so as to avoid making them feel even worse than they probably already do.

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