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Yo I Really Hate Jews


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gliko posted this thread title for me. my hatred of jews is so strong that i alone can not express it without assistance.

it's kind of like when you need someone to hold your dick while you piss, cause the shit is so fucking massive that you can't handle the anaconda yourself (except gliko doesnt go anywhere near my dick, cause we're strictly no homo).

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One day little 7 year old Johnny approaches his mother and asks, "mommy I know you are Jewish and dad is black, so am I more black or more Jewish?"


Johnny's mother looks at him in shock and says, my "Johnny where in the world did that come from.


Go ask your father and see what he says." So little Johnny waits until his father gets home from work and says, "daddy am I more black or am I more Jewish?"


Johnny's father looks at him surprised and asks "why would you ask something like that son?"


Johnny looks up at his father and says, "well daddy Bobby down the street is looking to sell his bike for 20 dollars.


I'm just wondering whether I should Jew him down to 15 or wait until it's dark and steal the fuckin thing..."

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