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So What has lens been up to?


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I wasn't sayin 52k wasn't good, I was just sayin I thought those kinds of jobs made alot more


And no need for firearms training, home schooling haha


ha ha, cool, i wasn't trying to be a dick with the firearms comment

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i love how younger people have such a skewed sense of what alot of money is. 4-5 grand a month is a nice comfortable way to live.


Yes it is. for 5 days of training this week I pick up a virtually tax free 1K this friday.


Montana/Belton fill-ins....dare I live the dream?

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i love how younger people have such a skewed sense of what alot of money is. 4-5 grand a month is a nice comfortable way to live.

I make decent money now, enough to live on my own and eat good, but I've also lived nice and comfortable without any gauranteed source of income. I guess nice and comfortable are matters of opinion.

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1. Got my car broken into: lost stereo, camera, bag of paint and my favorite hat EVER.....ever. Fuck a baseball game from now on.


2. Working my new 52K a year job. I am actually supposed to be reviewing the company website right now...off to a good start!


3. Met a new japanese friend. My limited command of Japanese got my foot in the door in a major way.


4. Turning 30 very soon


5. Fuck, i wanna move to Frisco


6. Performed a car battery swap on Valencia on July 4th


7. Who cares?




1. Tough luck, that's gotta piss you off. On a sidenote I need to get a new hat.


2. Get off 12oz you bum, though I spose your on the net so it's a start...


3. Congrats - That AzN fetish you have is beyond obsessive


4. Old cunt - i'm only 20 turning 21 in a month


5. I'm in aus. so I wouldn't have a clue what the area is like


6. Great...


7. Bored enough to comment on your thought's/comment's on your current situation(s)

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thanks for the congrats folks.....


I had my ex over for dinner last night.....fun...i guess?


Nothing like doing up a huge blockbuster afterwards for two hours to bleed off frustration and longing



lens------------>natural born sucker

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