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18 years in the making....


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Naw....i just spent the day getting drunk with a buddy of mine


tonight....Drea is cutting out on her fiancee to kick it with me



and yes folks...i promise...PROMISE to have flicks within the next two weeks. issues with my digital camera are opreventing me from succesfully posting photos the way i should but they will come eventually because...never the fuck mind




it's not all luck...there's a lot of hard work that goes into this shit and not nearly enough turnaround for my tastes but of course that is being worked on by my R&D team

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man..good luck lens..fiancees and shit..I've lost all faith in women my age..I thought I had a good girl..she left me..so I get me a freak girl..tell the good girl, she comes back..let the freak girl know..she's like "cool"..I smash out both for like the last 3 weeks straight..then I mess up the rotation..and piss 'em both off..I had to put in WORK to get my pussy situation straight again...but y'know if it was all up to me ..I'd just grab up one of them and put her on full team status..but y'know these broads man..they think I'm old fashioned for that shit..

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Hey, dumy...


Lens, you got something good to tell me?


I can't remember when this girl I like is gonna be back in town...is it the first, or the fifth? She left over a month ago...damn, July crept up on me. I don't get it.


Then, she's leaving town again a week later for another six weeks.


This isn't as bad as it sounds, actually. It's nice to just like someone after years of commitment. I had a crush on this new girl for the longest time, too...I met her when I was still with my ex, but I don't roll like that...the upside of this is that I may actually get to do what I want to do this summer, and not have a relationship to worry about.


I'm really trying to not get in over my head again, but...

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Everytime I read a story from Lens, I hate him more and more. I am such a loser, I am going on Second Life and living out my Lensesc type fanasties with e-girls.

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raves still exist?


yeah...they're run by all the nerds and geeks that missed the shit when it was really THE jump off that ended in late 99-early 2000






Drea got drunk and upset and cancelled our date because she felt bad for her fuckface "fiancee". I ended up going home, smoked some pot with moms and we watched the second half of the "Lone Wolf and Cub" samurai series.


Last night Samantha declined to go out with me to Frisco but it was fine since I had other heads to go with.


Now check this screwy shit......I meet this Japanese girl at the bar who is really digging on me. i ask her if the guy in the red shirt she had been hanging around earlier was her bf and the reply is "no". I get digits based upon my witty conversation and my demonstration of limited conversational Japanese.


Next, dude in red shirt rolls up to me. "Hey, you like Akani? Cool man, she's a cool girl. We're not involved, she's just my roomate."


Lens: "Cool, right on, good looking out."


So no sooner than i sit down with my friends I look over my shoulder only to see the two kissing, heavy petting zoo, etc. Then they leave the bar. Lens is confused. www.whatthefuck.com


Fuck it...should i call this chick? Obviously not to date but to maybe bang? She's cute and the guy...holy shit...the guy is a painfully aging hipster, balding, etc... Imma meet this girl, interrogate her, figure this all out and take it from there on my road to completing operation "I'm going to make your personal life very complicated for fucking with my head at the bar."


And lo and behold....fifth grade crush is here at the library where I enjoy my net access. Time to go say hello.


Until next time 12oz.....




p.s. SNeakandcreep.......get out your door...start making your own legends!


L.A trip this week...expect a decent photo thread upon my return! If anyone knows where I can get to the EL Mac/Retna productions, directions/address would be great. PM me. Reliable infor providers will get a LENS brand package complete with stickers and crap

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

SneakandCreep makes beer dissappear into his belly and thats it. Sneak already has Asian breezie that tattoos him all the time. Sneak is set right now, but would like to get out more. But Sneak work to hard and goes to school, but still maintains his metal status. Sneak's new steez is talking in third person.

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