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How dirty is your room?


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lol can't find them I seriously spent the last 20 min looking for them. It was fucking nasty though because it was like 6 bottles. Gimme a day or 2 and i'll fill up a couple bottles then take a pic. haha.

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Note the HUGE piece of shit in the corner of his cage.

Ive been out of town most of this year so my place is fucked, kinda dont want to clean when im going to be back in a hotel the very next day

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yo is it me or is that a fucking huge turd for a snake? also your snake is runnin low on h20



Its normal, He might not look it but hes a litle over 6ft. I need to get rid of him. And hes not out of water, theres another dish on the other side of the cage.

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Is the snake high maintenance? because I wanna get one? do they bite you?


There pretty low maintenance. You feed them about once every week or 2 week after the first year, but they can go a long time without food, like months. Keep there cage clean and try and handle them alot so they are use to being held. If you dont hold them much, they might bite you, but if you do they might bite you. Snakes are not tame animals. Ive been bit by mine once twice, fucker got me on the end of the nose once. I got bit by one of my friends that was 12ft, ive got scars from that one, but if there under 8ish feet it doesnt hurt to bad...

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whats gay is that you have that poster of that little beaner glaring at you.....



thanks i was wondering what that whole orversized...yes/ homo poster was about...


i wouldnt wanna be baning some chick and look over at that..instant softy..blahh

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well, the room im living in at the moment , is like a crackden.... its tiny as, stinks like fuck cant walk on the floor proply as there is cloths and rubbish and 3 matrices on it and to top it off.... the freezer just decided to defrost it self so now the carpet is all wet and stinks... but lucky my matrice never got wet ... slumming it at the moment is so much fun.

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