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silencing cans


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You could always just tell your parents your into graff but you only do it legally.


I don't even have to tell my parents that THEY LET ME DO IT! infact, my dad just bought me 109 Montana Cans last week.


All they say to me about graffiti is "If you get caught, I'm not bailing you out"


im agreeiong with tango.. a can of this shit where i live (Canada) is about 16 bucks a can or so. Lets do the math 109x$16=$1774. I'm doubting ur daddy said almost 2000 bucks for u to go out and spray paint the word fuck all over the place.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

or u can jus stick a can up u ass and if a cop stops u, jus be like "that click clak sound is my balls banging against eachother...i jus had them done ok." or u can be more creative. hahah

but really jus stuff ur cans in ur waist line and wear a belt and syncronize ur steps so that the ball doesnt make noise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If u are worried about cans fucking rattling dont handle them a lot before u leave, so the pigment and shit is still seperated. and 2 bring only the amount of paint u need and use all of it. Or if you're really really worried about cans rattling, quit. this thread is bullshit. my god. and if ur roming the streets at 2am the last thing to worry about is fucking cans rattling.

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I got a solution...don't fucking paint!!!the organge dots are loud mine when I use them sound like a can of air so who cares you got more shit to worrie about like that guy around the corner or what the fuck was that?Fucking get high or drunk before you go out calm your nerves...I can see that the internet has ruined the minds of many kids hey look it graffiti let me go home and download some graff fonts and get up...

thats what most of theses fourms are telling me. its the cool thing just like skating now its all kool to do it so why don't I watch BAM of play tony hawk and get real good.I just had to stop skating I miss it when it was just so damn stupid nobody wanted anything with it except me and my friends it was ours now I see a lot of fucking people wearing skate shoes and shit it fucks with my mind cause I will try and have a conversation with someone wearing ipaths or vans about skating and they well be like I am sorry I don't skate...I am so let down..

fuck I hate main stream it sucks the life out of everything you worshiped give it back damnit

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  • 6 months later...
lol.....i can see it now....everyones gonna be walking around at 3 in the morning with pringles containers.....this is just like that ch 0 thread...


ahahah i was thinking the same thing everyone gonna now have like 15 tubes of pringles all the times

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
take a harddrive apart and take out the harddrive out of of a old comp. take the face plate apart youll see the magnet


I got one of those magnets there pretty good and take a bit of force to get off when I’m painting I just slap them on the tin I’m using... gets rid of the ball noises but the psssshhhh noise u just gota live with.

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If u are worried about cans fucking rattling dont handle them a lot before u leave, so the pigment and shit is still seperated. and 2 bring only the amount of paint u need and use all of it. Or if you're really really worried about cans rattling, quit. this thread is bullshit. my god. and if ur roming the streets at 2am the last thing to worry about is fucking cans rattling.




and if a cop stops you, tell them about how great one is jammed up your ass, and then offer him one to give it a try, then run away flailing your arms screaming that your a pretty pretty princess. i doubt they would fuck with you then.


or, if your over 18, tell that nigga no, you aint searchin my shit. and if he does and finds the paint, what is he gonna do?


the only time anyone should really worry about silencing a can is if your doin a roof top, period.

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does anyone know how to silence the phhhhhhssssst sound the paint being ejected sounds? i know what question sounds wack. but there's this place where truckers sleep at night near me and their trucks are all ways parked there and i dont want them to wake up to a spray sound cos its not like i can dart away.


the orange dot is supposed to be silent on top of being a fat cap.

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