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I hate Southern Californian Asian People

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my moms cambodian, and she HATES the vietnamese with a vengefull passion


I brought a samwhich down to my parents house one day and i asked if she wanted a peice she say


"where did you buy it from?"


i reply

"this vietnamese restuarant"

she goes

"fuck the vietnamese"

the end.

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i hate the retarted asians that wear some weird ass shit on their face, its like the "visor" or a " helmet screen" but no helmet, just a fuckin tinted plastic thing on their faces, why cant they just get stunna shades?

makes me wanna go punch one right now.

My boss whos this chinese lady has some






They take up like half her face*





Imma ask them where she copped em at...


They bust stupid hard.







*Please refer to the diagram labeled A.






























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i hate chinese people

Lets narrow this topic down to the just the Chinese living in SoCal..

That shit would make my day..Ive also had problems with the phillipinos living there..

I wish them all the worst of luck! May they all die in freeway accidents! (kidding around)

I seriously knew a phillipino banger kid back in highschool who died in a bad wreck coming back from TJ, I guess thier designated driver took too many E pills..Probably started rolling hard as fuck in the fastlane or something.

Every chinese or phillipino who ever hated me ended up in some car wreck. They dont always die though..

This chinese ex-broad I used to have got hit 4 times on the freeway and made it out.

I remember passing flyers out at some raves , the Wah Ching gang would just eye you hard as fuck if you interupted thier little conversation, I thought they were gonna jump me for that..Probably because they didnt like the idea of me promoting my thing at the party they supplied all the drugs to..And because I didnt appear to be under the influence of thier drugs..I still have no idea to this day, what kind of bug crawled up their asses - they looked really uncomfortable about my presence though..I cant imagine the BS that would have happend if I stared back at them..those Insecure little brats..

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When i first started seeing my present girlfriend we went out for a walk to get something from the store and she just went off on this bizarre rant about how much she hates Asians and thinks they should be round up and deported. I didn't say anything and just let her go off for a good twenty minutes. She denys it ever happened now though.

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