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Histrionic personality disorder


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Guest Ginger Bread Man

histrionic personality disorder


A psychological disorder characterized by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior.

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Histrionic Personality Disorder

American Description

Diagnostic Criteria


A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:


1. is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention

2. interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior

3. displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions

4. consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self

5. has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail

6. shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion

7. is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances

8. considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are



Wow there's alot of people that could fit this description. Especially impressionable young american girls.


Get ready-- I've been diagnosed with:


Borderline Personality Disorder; & Antisocial Personality Disorder;

(that's just as far as personality disorders go)

I probably should be treated for this one too since I suffer from much wackness and post traumatic wackness:

Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition;


That's right, I'm a certified nutcase. Mostly I suffer from depression however.

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its a requirement


when i was a security guard for briggs & stratton, i

had camera controls in my office for out in the parking

lots. i'd see cops pull up late at night and face the car

away from the cameras. i could zoom in and just see

silouhettes. i swear to god those fuckwads would sit there

for hours. most likely masturbating into their palms and

licking them.

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although "attention seeking disorders" may sound like some typical girly harmless behavior, it is not. attention seeking disorders are very hurtful to the familys and peoples they come into contact with. although i can never be sure without a proper diagnose... I would have to say my grandmother has a severe attention seeking disorder and my mom would fully agree. I wont get into detail as to why I think that,. Histrionic personality disorder, which sounds like it may be a mild verison of Munchausen Syndrome can be learned about here





but here is the behavior a attention seeker will usally follow through


The Attention-Seeker

Motivation: to be the centre of attention

Mindset: control freak, manipulation, narcissism

Malice: medium to high; when held accountable, very high

  • emotionally immature
  • selectively friendly - is sickly sweet to some people, rude and offhand to others, and ignores the rest
  • is cold and aggressive towards anyone who sees them for what they really are or exposes their strategies for gaining attention
  • overfriendly with their new target, especially in the initial stages of a new working relationship
  • overhelpful, ditto
  • overgenerous, ditto
  • manipulative of people's perceptions, but in an amateur and childish manner
  • manipulative with guilt, ditto
  • sycophantic, fawning, toadying
  • uses flattery to keep a person in authority on side
  • everything is a drama, usually a poor-me drama
  • prefers not to solve problems in own life so that they can be used and re-used for gaining sympathy and attention
  • capitalises on issues and uses them as a soapbox for gaining attention
  • exploits others' suffering and grief as a vehicle for gaining attention
  • misappropriates others' statements, eg anything which can be misconstrued as politically incorrect, for control and attention-seeking
  • excusitis, makes excuses for everything
  • shows a lot of indignation, especially when challenged
  • lots of self-pity
  • often as miserable as sin, apart from carefully constructed moments of charm when in the act of deceiving
  • demanding of others
  • easily provoked
  • feigns victimhood when held accountable, usually by bursting into tears or claiming they're the one being bullied and harassed
  • presents as a false victim when outwitted
  • may feign exclusion, isolation or persecution
  • malicious
  • constantly tries and will do almost anything to be in the spotlight
  • includes Munchausen Syndrome
  • the focus of their life is to be the centre of attention

  • being aware of your sorroundings is power :cool:

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