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GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, I missed the first 20 minutes cause I got caught up playing Crackdown with Spitfire. Anybody up to briefly clue me in as to what has happened so far?







Sawyer finds that Hurley and some of the others are building a ping-pong table. Hurley mentions that they need a ball in order to play though. Sawyer notices Paulo has one of his magazines and demands it back. Sawyer walks away without taking his magazine after he see Paulo also has toilet paper. He comes back later with a small yellow ball and challenges one of the other survivors to a game. If he wins he gets his stuff back, but if he loses he has to stop giving nicknames to people for a week. He gives them an hour to think it over and to decide who will play him. Hurley plays him and suggests they play the mercy rule; If the score is 11-0 the loser automatically wins. Sawyer lets Hurley go first only to be defeated. Hurley gives him some of his magazines back anyway and tells him not to worry about Kate because she's with Sayid and Locke.

At the Flame


Sayid questions Locke's idea that the writing on Eko's stick will lead them to the Others' camp. He goes off to pick fruit, and as he does, he notices a cow. He hears someone ringing a cowbell and follows the sound to see a barn-like structure. He notices the eyepatch man herding the cows. Kate, Locke, and Danielle arrive and Sayid explains how he saw the man on the Pearl station monitor. He asks Danielle if the barn is the radio tower she mentioned, based on the satellite dish on the roof. She says she has never been to this location before. She then goes to wait by a river, refusing to join them because she has survived on the island by avoiding people like him. Sayid hands his rifle to Kate and says he will go in unarmed so that the man does not feel threatened. He notices a horse with a saddle on it, as well as a cat, which sparks a look of recognition on his face. Suddenly, a shot rings out and Sayid falls, having been shot in the shoulder by the man. Kate starts to run out by Locke stops her. The man yells that they have "crossed the line" and that they said he would be able to live here. Sayid is confused and says the man is mistaking him for someone else. He explains how he was in a plane crash, and the man comes out of the barn. Locke and Kate arrive and get him to drop his weapon. The man introduces himself as Mikhail Bakunin and says he is the last surviving member of the DHARMA Initiative.

Mikhail brings everyone inside, where he treats Sayid's wound. He says he had experience in the Soviet military, and joined the DHARMA Initiative eleven years ago. He says they are in the Flame station, which is a station set up for communication with the outside world. He also says that the DHARMA scientists initiated a war on "the hostiles", a purge. He says everyone but him was killed, and he is allowed to stay in peace because of this. Locke finds a computer with a chess game on it, but loses the game. Mikhail says the game was designed by three chess grandmasters and that the computer "cheats." Locke asks how a computer can cheat. While Mikhail is getting everyone tea, Sayid tells Kate that he is sure Mikhail is an Other, and that Mikhail is not alone. He says the saddle on the horse outside was made for someone shorter than Mikhail. When Mikhail returns, he suddenly attacks them. Kate and Sayid are overpowered, but Kate manages to put Mikhail at gunpoint. Locke returns and ties him up.

Sayid unveils a trapdoor leading to a basement area. Locke returns to the chess computer game, and manages to win. Suddenly a film plays, with Marvin Candle as the narrator. He gives several numerical instructions, such as entering the number "2-4" to initiate a pallet drop, "3-2" for station uplink, as well as entering "3-8" to achieve mainland communication. Locke tries this, but communication is down. Locke tries sonar ("5-6"), but that is also down. Candle also says to enter "7-7" in the event that the station is overridden by "the hostiles." In the basement, Kate and Sayid notice that the Flame is wired with explosives. Kate is jumped by Ms. Klugh, who Sayid takes hostage. Upstairs, Mikhail awakens and takes Locke as his own hostage before he can enter "7-7". Both parties meet outside. Klugh and Mikhail yell at each other in Russian (transcript below) and finally Mikhail shoots Klugh in the heart, killing her, before attempting to kill himself. Sayid, Locke, and Kate capture Mikhail again, and he asks to be killed.

Locke goes back inside and enters 7-7. Outside, Danielle meets up with the group. Mikhail tells them to kill him, for the first chance he gets, he will kill them. Danielle agrees with this idea, but Sayid keeps him alive. He reveals a map he found, leading from the Flame to the barracks. Locke and Kate return, and Locke says that he knows why Mikhail didn't want Locke to beat the chess game. The Flame suddenly explodes. Sayid is angry at Locke for blowing up their chance at outside communication. Everyone gets up to leave, and Sayid sees the cat again.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Stuff you might have missed:




Description: In 3x11, "Enter 77", we finally get a look at the long known about, but yet to be seen Flame Station. The station is manned by Mikhail Bakunin and Ms. Klugh. However, it appears that the only place to get some good Merlot on the island is at the Swan Station. While other items in the Flame are labeled with a generic logo, or the Flame logo, the wine comes from the sink hole formerly known as the Swan Station. What is curious about all of this, is the question of what exactly were Kelvin, Radzinsky and Desmond doing in the Swan Station. Kelvin claimed to be part of the Dharma Initiative, and if true, why did he survive "The Purge". Was Kelvin really the last surviving member of the Dharma Initiative, one of the Hostiles, or something else?




Description: Locke takes a look at some of Mikhail's typewritten work in 3x11, "Enter 77". If anyone out there is fluent in Russian, we'd love to get a translation of these papers. Locke stumbles across the papers as he explores the small house that sits atop the Flame Station. He finds a room filled with electronic equipment, mainframe computers, a typewriter, and a personal computer. The pages appear to be filled with Russian text, and contain some handwritten notes in red ink in a couple of places. If you have any information on what the text, or handwritten notes read, please let us know.




Description: In 3x11, "Enter 77", we finally get to visit the Flame Station. We have known about The Flame since the blast door map was illuminated in Season 2. The Flame Station, according to Mikhail Bakunin, serves the purpose of communicating with the outside world. Mikhail seems to have been cut off from the Others, and is living in solitude at the station (although Ms. Klugh is also present). Inside the Station, Sayid finds boxes and manual related to Dharma operations and protocol. A computer in the station also allows commands to be entered, such as ordering air drops, alerting to hostile presence, accessing the sonar and satellite dish systems, etc.




Description: In 3x11, "Enter 77", Sayid visits Sami's restaurant under the false pretense of fulfilling the position of chef. Sami's real plan was to lure Sayid to his restaurant so his wife could identify him as the man that tortured her in Iraq. The walls of the restaurant are decorated with many patterns, including the previously seen Dharma Wheel, or Dharmacakra. Two wheels appeared on Isaac's wall when Bernard and Rose visited him in Australia near Ayers Rock.




Description: Our old friend Marvin Candle (aka Mark Wickmund, aka Chuck Waxly <-- my own contribution) makes a return appearance in 3x11, "Enter 77". Indeed, it is our favorite one armed Asian mad scientist that provides the title of the episode we he prompts, "Enter 77" to report hostile presence. In what seems to be a ridiculous computer prompt, recordings of the good Doc appear to read menu items and provide feedback on execution. Why the menu would not appear simply in text, but have loops of film repeat instead, is a bit bizarre and counter intuitive. I'm sure old Marvin had to be sitting there at the Flame station thinking to himself, "Why am I recording all these menu items and responses when it could just appear on the screen as text?". In this film, it is much more obvious that Wickle has a fake left arm. In the Pearl video, however, it appears that Wickmund has use of his left arm.

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Wow...Mams called that one.....Jack and The aussie girl are bro and sis


I don't remember mentioning it, but I clearly remember reading about it somewhere quite some time ago. Not sure if it was somebody else in this thread or from that lost.cubit site.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Stuff you missed



Description: A couple users have suggested this could be a "Harley Davidson" tattoo, which is very likely. See comments below.


In 3x12, "Par Avion", we discover that Claire worked at a tattoo and piercing shop in Sydney. When Christian comes to visit her at work, we get a brief glimpse of a sheet containing tattoo patterns on the front of the counter. It appears the top center tattoo is the word "hurley". Probably nothing more than an easter egg for us to find, but perhaps we will see a Hurley-Claire connection down the road?


A promo photo confirms the word ends in "..rley", and the screencap from 3x12 seems to indicate the word starts with "hu....".


Maybe we'll find out sometime later that Claire is sporting the "Hurley" tattoo somewhere on her person. Smiley




Description: After a long day of intercepting and blowing up makeshift rafts on the seas to abduct children, kidnapping a pregnant woman, hanging a washed up rock star, killing some random guy on the beach, convincing a survivor from a plane crash to lead some of his buddies into a trap, getting caught in a net, faking being the survivor of a balloon crash and getting caught (and beaten), going through surgery to remove a tumor ... well, you just need a place to unwind. A place where everybody knows your name. And, they're always glad you came. You want to be where you can see, Our troubles are all the same. You want to be where everybody knows your name: OTHERSVILLE!


Relax and unwind as you enjoy the many pleasantries of Othersville. Take solitude in the peaceful sounds of nature as you fertilize your lawn. Students will enjoy roaming the campus, or taking advantage of our many scenic bike routes. Start a pick up game of football and make new friends. And, you don't have to be worried about security and safety. At Othersville, we make use of the latest Dharma Initiative technology to protect you from polar bears, flying Dharma Sharks, and carrier pigeons. A 20 mile long microwave fence surrounds Othersville, keeping you safely in, and everything else safely out.


So book a ride on the next Othersville Submarine Cruise leaving from Portland, Oregon. Remember, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.




Description: 3x12, "Par Avion", opens on a crash scene. Claire had been in an argument with her mom when they collided with a truck. The collision ejects Claire's mother from the vehicle, leaving her with severe brain damage.


As Claire awakes in the car, seconds after impact, there is a quick shot of the dashboard gauges. Fittingly, the mileage that is visible in the shot reads "108". Of course, 108 is the sum of "The Numbers", 4 8 15 16 23 42. It is also the number of minutes the countdown clock resets to when the button is pushed.


"108" and "The Numbers" appear frequently in flashbacks. While some importance has been attributed to the numbers, usually these just seem to be the writers having a little fun by hiding the numbers in the show for us to find.




Description: You might remember the "Jack Has a Half-Sister" investigation from season 2. In episode 2x20, Christian showed up at Lindsey's house demanding to see his daughter. After 3x12, "Par Avion", we now know that Lindsey is Claire's aunt, and she was taking care of Claire after her mom was put into a coma from a car crash.


We finally know (it has been long speculated), that Claire is Jack's half sister. Christian is the father to both of them, but they each have different mothers. That also means Jack is Aaron's uncle.




Description: Another entry for the LOST Book Club. In 3x12, "Par Avion", we see that Sawyer has returned to his favorite past time, reading. This time, he's picked up a copy of Ayn Rand's fountain head.


The book was written in 1943, and made into a movie in 1949.


From wikipedia: The Fountainhead is a 1943 novel by Ayn Rand. It was Rand's first major literary success and its royalties and movie rights brought her fame and financial security. The book's title is a reference to Rand's statement that "man's ego is the fountainhead of human progress," and is a more specific version of the book's theme, which is, in Rand's words, "individualism and collectivism in man's soul."


The Fountainhead examines the life of an idealistic young architect, Howard Roark, who prefers to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision by pandering to the prevailing taste in building design.




Description: In 3x12, "Par Avion", we get a better look at the electrical map that Sayid took from The Flame station in 3x11, "Enter 77". The map shows the "barracks" where The Others live. It also has some indications about subterranean passages.


Mikhail asked Sayid to check the map to see if the security perimeter encircled the barracks. Indeed, the map does seem to show the pylons circling Camp Others.


Unfortunately, the map doesn't yield much else. It's very details, however, in terms of layout and positioning of the buildings located at the barracks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, it was OK, but not amazing. It would've been better if that bag they were hiding weren't just some stupid diamonds, I was hoping it was something that tied into the story. I didn't find it plausible that the guy would remain quiet about finding a new hatch just because he hid some diamonds in there. It's a big fucking island, I'm sure you can find another spot.

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Well I felt like you got a better idea of the others from that little insight of Paulo's when he was in the other hatch. That the whole thing with kidnapping Walt was to get to Michael and to get to Jack. He was Ben's goal the whole time. that was an explanation. As far as the whole new story line, it was more of a one shot that gave you better perspective on some older issues and questions. Also seeing a ittle bit more of Arzt was cool.

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I dunno man, i guess you're right about having some light shed on some dark corners, still, it's completely insignificant since it was quite obvious thats how it went down more or less. The moment we see that see Ben wanted Jack to do the surgery we know he had eyes on him from start. I really hate these episodes that just buy time off the real questions and go pointless for 45 minutes. If anything else, it shows how the internals of the show work, these two have been in the background for too long and you kept wondering how the hottest chick was so unoticed so far...the story about her on that last episode could be identical to what happened at lost.

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the thing is.. for them to do these flashbacks..


that means this was actually shot at the same time as the initial scenes.. so for the most part it seems like this season is definitely about progressing with the story and connecting dots. the past three episode i thought were pretty good.. the russian nesting doll was over presented throughout this last episode.

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