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The Creepy Older Guy


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We had a old guy who would dress up as santa clause every year and go from house to house and give all the little kids presents, i even sat on his lap a time or two. A couple years later we found out that he was a moooooolesterrrrrrr *all carlos mencia sounding like*

Child molester louie touchin babies on there coochie.

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Sorry Kabar, but I just skiped upn' over your post.

I know your the educated(witha doouble E) don't skip d'double D.




25, est, blown to gods particals...in Iraq, today.











{witha doouble E)

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When you've grown up with little cousins and siblings, the thought of dating someone their age(16-17) is kind of a gross out..


I cant help but think though the whole COG's thing are just people who didnt have much of a childhood and are trying to claim it back..

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Sorry Kabar, but I just skiped upn' over your post.

I know your the educated(witha doouble E) don't skip d'double D.




25, est, blown to gods particals...in Iraq, today.











{witha doouble E)



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At my old job we had this douchebag start, like 35 years old...everyone fuckin hated him cuz, as previously mentioned, he was just an all around douchebag but a main reason was also cuz he was real weird around the younger girls. One was 16 (now wifey) and the other was her older sister, 18...anyways, used to catch dude straight up STARIN at em all the time, then we started to notice him like rubbin their backs and shit. I asked my girl (she wasn't at the time, otherwise this conversation never would have occured, I woulda jus beat the fuck out of him) if she wanted me to talk to him, she kept sayin no just forget it blah blah, but it kept happenin. Right as I was reachin the point where I was just gunna say fuck what she wants and involve myself, him and another guy got in a huge fight and other guy brings up touching lil girls, the dude got so upset he stormed out of the place in the middle of the lunchrush and never came back. Really a pointless story but yeah, that's one experience with a COG

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This dude fit the bill to a tee


although he looks like an old man he's only 46 because he's a a raging alcholic. (im talking on his second bottle of wine because he ran out of beer at nine in the AM, on a weekday.)he lived next to a house me and some friends stayed in for a week up the coast. the whole time he kept trying to chill with us. he was unbelievably vulgar, and he described fucking his 65 yr old gf as 'throwing a sausage down a hallway," and like "putting ya slug in a warm bucket of water." he was overbearing in a similar way to the serial killer from 'wolf creek' and had a knack for creating extreme awkwardness, like when he invited himself over on our last night there when me and my boys were all stoned and getting more so. he dropped the info that he is diagnosed to live for less than a year because he has a blood disease. i was just like 'oh, uh sorry.' then one of my mateys made the mistake of asking if his fishing boat is a kayak and he flew into a fit of rage



he wasn't really a bad guy

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So, can anyone relate some stories of the "creepy older guy" or the "old guy at the club"

from where they live?


In case you are clueless, standard "creepy old man" generally has a 15-20 yr old age difference from the people he kicks it with. Say, a 36-37 yer old kicking it with a bunch of 18-19 yr olds. He's "cool" because he buys beer but when you see him tagging along with bunch of people half his age it's all "ewe"


Thats you in a few years Lens.

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hahaha i was at this party and there was this guy there that looked like charlie sheen. I think he was in his early 30s. Well some teeny boppers showed up maybe they were 17. maybe. Well through the party this guy is talkin to these young girls talkin about how she should let him give them a foot rub. I was giggling about how disturbing this was and went outside the back to partake in some beer. Well the party is winding down and as i walk through the house this older guy and girl are laying on the couch together. Their heads are at opposite ends of the couch and she is passed out and he is sucking on her toes. I decided not to involve myself and just left.

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hahaha i was at this party and there was this guy there that looked like charlie sheen. I think he was in his early 30s. Well some teeny boppers showed up maybe they were 17. maybe. Well through the party this guy is talkin to these young girls talkin about how she should let him give them a foot rub. I was giggling about how disturbing this was and went outside the back to partake in some beer. Well the party is winding down and as i walk through the house this older guy and girl are laying on the couch together. Their heads are at opposite ends of the couch and she is passed out and he is sucking on her toes. I decided not to involve myself and just left.


yall shouldve gang raped her


*perfect COG story.

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when i was in college, we would sneak in this 50 year old black crackhead we used to smoke with, into my dorm room to smoke. fortunately my roomies never saw or that would have been awkward..



also when I was a teenager, we used to hang with my buddies uncle who was always just getting out of jail it seemed. He was in his 40s and we would bring him to high school parties and he would hit on every girl, insult every minority and expose himslef to everyone else, lol

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crusty mike' date=' I probably would have bashed the foot freak, why didn't you do something to the perverted piece of shit?[/quote']


because i know him. kinda. Im cool with his nephew and a lot of people that are like close family friends with him. Apparently he was in a car wreck some years ago and it fucked his brain up. He is now like an annoying 16 year old stuck in a creepy old guys body. I mean he functions perfectly fine.


There was one night at a party though that i fought him out in the middle of the street with gloves and was throwin him some nasty dome shots. We ended it when he caught my drunk ass slippin and almost broke my nose. haha.

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