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Whats the average home price in your area?


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Median household income: $38,044

Median house value: $111,100



Races in ____

* Hispanic (77.4%)

* Other race (44.7%)

* White Non-Hispanic (19.6%)

* Two or more races (4.0%)

* American Indian (1.3%)

* Black (1.1%)


I've meat a ton of racist Mexicans were i live. So weird

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Median household income: $38,044

Median house value: $111,100



Races in ____

* Hispanic (77.4%)

* Other race (44.7%)

* White Non-Hispanic (19.6%)

* Two or more races (4.0%)

* American Indian (1.3%)

* Black (1.1%)


I've meat a ton of racist Mexicans were i live. So weird


you got 146+% living in your neighborhood right now. radical!

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The neighborhood I grew up in has gotten absolutely ridiculous in the past 10 years. A lot of extremely wealthy people have moved in and built humongous mansions, and the prices have skyrocketed here. My parents could EASILY sell their house for over a million dollars, and the place is actually falling apart right now.


I'm currently looking around for something in the $130K range, and there's few options. There's a couple of good 3-bedroom, 2 bathroom walk-up aprtmentes around $150-$175K though.

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