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the "i dont want to go to work today" thread

T.T Boy

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this is going to be hell.

among the million things i need to do today, this is what im dreading the most.


also, if you move somewhere and you do business with native speakers of that country, try to learn the language a little. im not being a dick, cause i know you have been in this country longer than ive been alive.


oh and fuck the rain too.

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yeah, I feel your pain..


I didn't want to go to work today either..I knew I needed some time to recharge my batteries..and its showing in my interactions with everyone..


Them: "Hey Dumy, great work on the blah blah blah blah"


Me: "Huh..what..the internet?.. I mean I was checkin my email"


Them: "uhh..yeah"

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get this TT.... I was in the MTO (my version of the DMV)

doing my written test and NOBODY coming in for a test knows english.

There's a vision test on the desk that looks like a big periscope

and some guy just couldn't figure out what to do with it. Eventually

the guy working the desk tried to move his head towards the eyepiece

and the guy flipped out. His wife had to come and calm the guy down.

Then another guy was doing the test (which is on an electronic terminal with video playback)

and the guy sellected to do the test in French, even though he barely spoke spanish,

and not english OR french. So they have to restart the whole thing for him.


The one guy working there just seemed to hate people,

and after 25 minutes in his workplace, I started to feel that way too.


I feel for you TT.

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my boss decided to hire this arabian guy from downstairsm who has been a complete nightmare in the lab a buddy works in.

he;s mad quiet and someone suggested it might be the language barrier, since he speaks well with norann, except, in arabic.

my boss was like oh hell no.

we're not going to have two people in the lab constantly going off to have their own personal discourse in another language.


pretty much everyone here is bilingual and damn good with it.



...and any DMV anywhere is filled with misery. bottom line.

i'd rather go to work than spend timein the dmv

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yeah!! congrats Rummy! get offa the sidewalks!!


my last trip to the dmv included a lot of spanish-language signage as well


for reall though, we need to get away from the dmv and back to 'fuck work'

i'm totally blowing off my experiment to type this shit.

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yeah just when the woman is late for class we dont need to argue about something that is already clearly stated in the argeement.


can you not read? fucking hell, between the two of us we can get by in 3 languages, maybe even 4. i dont get this place sometimes. yeah diversity is fucking great and all, but come on, we got two languages here son, pick one and learn it. especially when youve been here since 1960 which i know for a fact.


ok, 2 years, sure, its not an easy language, but were pushing 40 years here and you cant read or speak. what the fuck have you been doing for 40 years? watching greek tv all day and night and getting the athens standard delivered to your house?




or french.

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T.T. Bot....is it just me or does raint weather make work all the more unbearable.


With sunny weather you think "Well, at least when i get off I can go running, barbeque, etc....Ahhhh!"


No sense of satisfaction getting done with the owrk day when all you have to greet you outside the compnay door is shitty weather.

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Originally posted by Weapon X@Mar 15 2006, 09:24 PM

The worst is that gust of wind that hits you on the driveway, right after stepping out of the house in the morning.

....that basically wipes away that warm afterglow you get from a hot shower. It leaves a chill that sticks with you all day

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Every day I don't want to go to work. This new job is slightly better than average, since I can do a little fucking off here and there.


The worst job ever is construction. You'd think, "Damn, I can hang out in the sun every day, get some exercise", but it's not even like that. I'd always see one guy working and four guys watching him, but when you actually do it yourself, it's never like that. Busting your ass for 8 hours straight in the blazing sun ain't no fun. Even less fun is trying to finish a job, that you started in March, at the ass end of fall, when it's cold, raw and rainy. Plus, you're just sick and tired of doing the same shit every day, and can't wait to move on to a different project.

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Originally posted by LENS@Mar 15 2006, 02:22 PM

T.T. Bot....is it just me or does raint weather make work all the more unbearable.


With sunny weather you think "Well, at least when i get off I can go running, barbeque, etc....Ahhhh!"


No sense of satisfaction getting done with the owrk day when all you have to greet you outside the compnay door is shitty weather.


Rain? Try going outside in -30 and a blizzard at 6:30 in the morning, then complain to me about rain...

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WEAPON X SIR: HOLLER AT ME ABOUT ROSETTA STONE, I GOT THAT JOINT WITH LIKE 50 LANGUAGES, IT WORKS OK, SOMETHINGS I DONT LIKE ABOUT IT: IT DOESNT TELL YOU EXACTLY WHAT a word means, it just gives you a good idea, if you have any questions, holler at me about it.

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