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im on an iPod right now so I can't see what image you're quoting but if it's got valve covers like the orange and black Harley a page back then it's a flathead.


and mr. whatsyourface. for the love of Christ you must be the last person in the world to say the like the 08 desmosedici and if you've seen those on the "road" you either live in Hollywood or by a gp track because the 20 or so residing in the bay are locked up forever in garages of the economically bulletproof. anyway, if you're going to post a single duck, post something meaningful like the spypic of ducatis gp10 bike flicked stupidly by Nicky Hayden himself.


Ducati_GP10.jpgholy fuck it's hard to post on these things.


no soup I don't live in hollywoooood, I live in the santa cruz mountains and every now and again someone rolls through with an MV Agusta f4 and like I said I've seen a Desmo or 2 on the hill. angry twat.:scrambled:

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save the arguments for PM's, no one wants to have to scroll past them.



just got a full face helmet today.... how tight are these things supposed to be? cause this thing is pretty damn tight. it doesnt feel like its crushing my skull or anything, but there is definitely no kinda movement inside the thing. feels a little claustrophobic, but im also not used to them.

any suggestions? its an icon by the way.

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save the arguments for PM's, no one wants to have to scroll past them.



just got a full face helmet today.... how tight are these things supposed to be? cause this thing is pretty damn tight. it doesnt feel like its crushing my skull or anything, but there is definitely no kinda movement inside the thing. feels a little claustrophobic, but im also not used to them.

any suggestions? its an icon by the way.


when you have it on open your mouth an bite down slowly, you should be biting on your cheeks. SHOE X 11 is the best most comfortable full face out there, 20 seconds to change the shield.

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ok, put it on. opened mouth slowly (no homo), and i'm now definitely biting the shit out of my cheeks. infact, i cant even talk without biting them. its difficult to get into, to the point where i have to squeeze into it.

im sitting here at the computer looking like an idiot wearing it, and its kinda starting to freak me out. making me claustrophobic. if this is the way its supposed to be, thats kinda nuts.


i should remind you, i dont do 100mph. majority of my riding will be under 50mph, cruising around.


i dont know. thing just feels wicked tight. even if its not technically 'correct' i dont think i could wear this on a daily basis. think ima have to trade up for a larger size.

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ok, put it on. opened mouth slowly (no homo), and i'm now definitely biting the shit out of my cheeks. infact, i cant even talk without biting them. its difficult to get into, to the point where i have to squeeze into it.

im sitting here at the computer looking like an idiot wearing it, and its kinda starting to freak me out. making me claustrophobic. if this is the way its supposed to be, thats kinda nuts.


i should remind you, i dont do 100mph. majority of my riding will be under 50mph, cruising around.


i dont know. thing just feels wicked tight. even if its not technically 'correct' i dont think i could wear this on a daily basis. think ima have to trade up for a larger size.


all brands fit differently, different head shapes an all that. I have an AGV Suomy an a Shoe there all different. AGV is the worst.

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im guessing your not used to full faced helmets, icons are great helmets. my boy wears one and its a little big for him. i have an arai and its pretty tight, liek i bite on my cheecks while talking too. try and wear it out for a little and see if you get used to it. if it still bothers you after a while its prob too small buy a bigger one and save that one for the bitch ;)


btw 100mph or not you never know how you could fall, full face helmets are a must imo

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If a helmet fits around the forehead but is too tight around the cheeks, DONT BUY A BIGGER SIZE, TRY A DIFFERENT HELMET. Helmets have different head shapes. You need to find one that fits you. You're going to break in the cheek pads a little bit but it's better to find a helmet with a better internal shape, and if it's damnnear impossible to take off then you should go with a helmet with less tapering at the bottom. Something to think about: when you're unconcious (something that wont happen with the ideal helmet) and the parammedics take your helmet off, you dont want something so tight it risks further neck injury to get off. THen again you dont want something that wobbles on the freeway either, so you gotta find the best fit. And if the one that fits is a cheaper helmet, good. A study came out showing some cheap DOT helmets with no SNELL 2005 rating were actually SAFER than the expensive SNELL lid. SNell actually recognized this study and is revising their 2010 rating accordingly. There's like 3 helmets on the market right now with 2010 SNELL ratings so dont even worry about it.

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while i appreciate your advice, i dont appreciate you starting and perpetuate retarded arguments in here. this is a good thread that doesnt need to be filled up with dumb shit. take it someplace else. next time you come back with this gay shit, the ban wont just be for 2 days.


seriously, how pathetic that i have to put adults on 'time out'?

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harleys are nice but they vibrate like a motherfucker. you feel like a vibrator getting off that thing


i wondered if it was just sportsters, or if they were all like that, cause mine definitely vibrates like fucking crazy. i dont mind it for rolling around, but im afraid that riding for hours at highway speeds would fucking suck.



before i got this, everyone i talked to said 'sportsters are cool, but honestly, as tall as you are, you're gonna want something bigger with more power'. i told them all they were wrong.

put about 40 miles on the bike riding around town and i already want something bigger. ha.

riding is rad though. before i started, i was a little freaked out. im not much into 'adrenaline' an shit. i like relaxing. i was a little worried that it would just freak me out and i wouldnt like it. totally not the case.




i ended up sending the helmet back and ordering the next size up. i think it fit my head ok, it was just too small. it wasnt that it was just tight at my cheeks, it was uniformly tight all over, and i nearly needed a showhorn just to get it on. like you said, all bad if i had some dumb EMT trying to pull it off me.

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