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a hot Russian chick is hard to find without a proxy and Chrome running under privacy mode.

i found out the hard way. Thanks Fellas!



Privacy mode isn't really private. Also, hot Russian chicks are easy to find.

It's getting them to accept that the only way you'll fuck them is if they wear

a chipmunk costume and act out the last scene of Scarface that's hard.

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Got a bit of a problem...

Last night my Avira avg anti virus thing went nuts and started flashing up numerous warnings about infected files.


Now, everytime I try and do something it will flag up a box saying "whatever programme.exe" is infected and I then have 2 options to scan the laptop or not.


If I run the software it finds a load of apparantly threats but won't get rid of them .


Surprisingly (not) it will only let me go to a webpage where I can buy the full version of the anti virus. I can navigate around that whole site with out any problems but no other web page will open. It just goes to a warning screen which again only gives me the 2 options of purchasing the shit, or scanning the computer. No "continue anyway" option.


What should I do? Not really a technical person over here. Should I uninstall avg? Then get a new anti virus?


Please help, my life is in the laptop!

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Now there is something called "security suite" running virus checks. I perform the scan, it finishes and. Says my comp is infected and would I like to buy the full software? Click yes it goes to their webpage which works fine, click no and your back to square one

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fucking hell...


i get rid of one, and another pops up in its place.


i fucking hate computer viruses and absolutly detest the cunts who make them. swear down, if i ever meet someone who is responsible for these cuntish things i will suddenly stop practising my "non violent" approach to life and reak havoc on their face with a baseball bat.

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dude just boot to safemode with networking


and install this malwarebytes



best bet , get a clean copy from a working computer save the install to a flash drive, pop it into the infected computer install and run



if you get a message saying you are unable to install the program



download these and save them to that same flash drive


rkill.exe – Download from BleepingComputer.com – 257kb

rkill.com – Download from BleepingComputer.com – 257kb

rkill.scr – Download from BleepingComputer.com – 257kb

rkill.pif – Download from BleepingComputer.com – 257kb






run these and then run malwarebytes install again

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