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does dvd flick actually burn the dvd, or just prepare it to be burned in another program????


i just upgraded to this windows vista shit and it fucking sucks...

i tried using the windows dvd maker and its saying my video card doesn't meet the minimum

system requirements, but dell says i got everything i need to burn dvds



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also for the vista upgrade, I have no idea why people have so much problem, its very simple,


please explain to me in as much detail as possible of what you do not like about vista and why you think it sucks ( please do not use the common things you hear everyone say which are, its slow, ( tell me why it is slow) its not compatible ( tell me what its not compatible with)


it is to difficult maneuver ( where can't you get to?)

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Thanks guys.


Shoulda thought to check the applestore site......Facepalm.

Still gotta get used to going there.







Yeah lifes made real easy if you use the apple store but. Why pay more then you need to limit your self to only there own products. Your better off looking at what stuff 3rd party companys have to offer. I get alot of shit from these guys. Here



But shit man. All ya need to do is use your browser for whats it ment for.

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i want one because im using a tv as the monitor


i use a mac mini as a video server for my tv i have a mouse and key board on it but 99% of the time i use my MacbookPro to connect with the "share screen" function through my network if you already have a laptop its a free and for me at least way more convenient cause i am on my laptop more often then not

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As I am student, I can get Windows 7... cheap.


I am on Vista at the moment and need 16gig free to install (which i dont have at the moment)

If i move stuff to a hard drive, then install Windows 7, will i get my 16gigs back at the end?

I wont need Vista anymore.


Also, if you go here http://www.microsoft.com/uk/education/studentoffer/

it seems to say I can Windows 7 home or professional for £30.

Surely Pro is better and the same price?

(i realise a clean install is a pain in the ass)


Which one should i pick?



peace y'all

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yes move your data to an external, windows 7 may take 2.55 GB but that will overwrite vista so in the end you will only lose 1.5 GB overall


get H.P


its a better fit



the main differences in pro and home pre are the security settings for businesses,( if you do not run a business dont get it, it will just cause more problems over time


1 reason you may want is if you want to run XP mode in VPC for some programs , for that you will need pro or ultimate, also on that note, there is a hack to get this on all versions

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so i have like 3-4 folders in my "local disk©" that i am pretty sure are not supposed to be there. i found them because my computer is runnin slow and was looking for some virus type of things. i try to delete them but it wont let me, it say to make sure that they not protected or being used by another program or something like that.

help please.


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