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Drinking solo

Guest imported_Tesseract

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Guest Sparoism

Tecate is about the only beer I'll drink anymore, and usually it is accompanied by tacos or pupusas.


I have a new set of rules that work out great.


If I drink beer, I only can have two, tops. And, it has to be with food.


Wine is fine, but no more than two glasses.


On the rare occasions I'm at a bar, I have to drink a glass of water between mixed drinks. Surefire way to prevent hangovers from cheap booze.


If I drink alone, it has to be Jager, and the water rule applies to this as well.


Just trying to help out here. Granted, I'm a lot older than most of the folks here, so I had to learn all this the hard way.

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Guest imported_Tesseract

It gets better, still solo and hangover too...fuckinA, time for a walk. I should be hanging with hesher and abc on some sunny spot instead of this shithole

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Originally posted by harvey wallbanger@Feb 21 2006, 12:06 PM

What the hell is a 13:00?




I usually get home from the bars and make a sandwich between 3 and 5 AM. Any later than that, and I go to breakast on the way home.


13:00 = 1pm in 24 hr time.

i regularly chill out with a can or 2 of lager if ive got nothing to do and no one to do nothing with.

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Originally posted by ElectricitySucks@Feb 20 2006, 10:19 PM

youre the only person ive come in any kind of contact with that knows tecate. amen.


<-------= also a tecate drinker, but I prefer Carta Blanca.


I've been known to knock a few off by myself. Nothing wrong with killing a good bottle of wine that way...after all...you don't want it to turn on you.



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if i lived where booze was cheap i might drink casual beers more, that would turn into getting drunk more. im glad its expensive here.


if i lived in euro again id drink alot more. why do you medeterranian folks always enjoy spirits so much? never figured that one out.

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drinking by ur self for some can be a good experince, like for someone like myself who has excessive paranoia and anxiety and occiasonal paniac attacks.. smoking weed alone can be a very unpleasent felling. id rather drink solo then smoke solo cuz atleast i dont turn into a ante with broken legs.

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