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Ever have a gun pointed at you?


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Originally posted by MOOGLE?@Jan 20 2006, 11:15 PM

a few months later i find out that dude is my little sisters uncle..


What I like is the above statement...thats rough like "my sister from my moms 7th boyfriend..."

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my girl and i were just getting home and pulled into the driveway, when my neighbors kids dog was running across the street.. this white suv just barreled right over the pup, put on the breaks and then kept going. i saw the whole thing was like "oh hell no" and jumped back in my car, leaving my woman at the spot, and chased that fucker down.... he wouldnt pull over, so i sped up on the side of him and started to push his ass into the rail. motherfucker slowed down and stopped, and got out of his car, not away, just outside his door, and i started right in on him, calling him a fucking scum bag, and telling him he was going to drive back down to the dog and take care of that shit like a fucking man... then i had the strangest feeling like i was about to loose my life..... i knew he was going for his gun, feel me? i never saw the gun, but i knew he was thinking about putting one in my head, seriously... but his inbred brain stopped that from happening (thank god)


needless to say, fucking scum bag ass hole got the fuzz called on him by my cell phone, so he drove back down to the dog (who seemed pretty messed up). when the cop shows up, scum bag dip shit ass hole coward looser dick fuck fag shit head calls the cop by his first name, and im thinking "son of a bitch! this ass hole isnt going to get anything for being such a fuck" and i was right. he got to drive away, and my girl and i drove the dog to the only emergency animal vet in the fucking valley... like 45 min drive.


but there is a happy ending... the dog was fine... no broken bones or nothing. he didnt get up the entire drive, and looked really lame, but when i got home, my neighbor was home and i told him what happened, he went to pick up the pooch, paid the bill and took home a fine dog... i think he was a bit pissed that i cost him the e-room bill, but fuck him too.


im not going back through looking for spelling errors.. im on lunch. did that count?


**i went back through to look for spelling errors because MOOGLEs an ass

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First time I was in the middle of no where shooting shotguns with my cousin. We were shooting clay pigeons off this big hill. After about an hour and a half this old redneck dude walks up the hill with a .357 waving it and talking shit. He fired it in the air once. Then he got to the top of the hill, realized he was down-range from about 6 loaded shotguns and put the shit away but continued to yell at us that we were spraying pellets and broken clay all over his house. What a fucking idiot... I felt so gangster with my 12 Gauge...


Second time I was 19 and driving to a party with my boy when I realized this truck was following us. I wasn't sure so I pulled a U-Turn and he turned around also. So I called up a few friends who were also going to the same place and I pulled into a dead end. At the end I turned around and when we got about halfway back 2 more car loads of my friends had showed up. We parked and all got out of the cars to deal with dude. I walked up to his window and he pulled out a little 9. I was so hopped up on Wild Turkey and pissed that it didn't sink in so I kept walking up to his window. Then I saw my friends running and I followed the good advice of "if you see black people running, you should run too." I guess the neighbors called the cops because from what I understand he was pulled out of the car and was crying like a bitch later on that night... I didn't feel like a gangster...

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-merging onto 76

-car infront of me stops, making it damn near impossible for me to merge

-after almost a minute of waiting, and one honk, i make a break for it

-hear a honk, thinking its the dude who was fucking up honking at me for going around him i give the finger

-notice a jag on my ass, trying to get next to me, meanwhile my girl is lecturing about how doing that was dumb we could get a gun pulled on us or something

-next thing i know i look in the right lane and i see dude sitting there aiming the gun right at me

-lhe drives off, my girl bugs

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Ive been robbed at gunpoint once. Not a cool situation, esp. when a homeless man in the alley screaming shoot him. If there was a time in which I almost peed my pants, that was it. He got something like 7 dollars from me. Gotta love Baltimore..hahah..


Other than that, Ive had the cops pull guns on me twice. Once on a routine traffic stop..hahah..and once for some stupid shit I did in my youth..

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never really pointed directly at me, but once at a swimming hole 3 drunk jocks were throwing basketballs into the water and shootin them. not realizing that people were swimming right by them, then i overhear "see how close u can shoot to that guy" and that was my que to leave. all 3 of them were on probation and went back to jail after numerous people that were swimmin called the cops.

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Originally posted by DESTROY90+Jan 22 2006, 06:58 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (DESTROY90 - Jan 22 2006, 06:58 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-H. Lecter@Jan 22 2006, 05:35 AM

more times than I care to remember..


only once has the trigger been pulled.. unlucky shot for him, very lucky shot for me!


it does'nt even phase me when the police do it



Exactly, when jakes pull out





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My friend A.'s house was stocked with guns when we were growing up,his dad was some white trash drug dealing fuck bag that slept with a gun. I took one of my school friends B.,not from the area,over to A's place.B is showing us his dads wealth of guns while scaling out some weed.B take his dads 9 and shoves it in my face and says something along the lines of "you think your so fucking tough all the time".


I was worried cause I didn't know B well at all, but A was my man since pre school.A, calmly walks over to a closet and pulls out 12 gauge,pumps it once and tells B to leave his house and if ever sees him again that he will make him pay.


A still hates B,their both drug addicts now.



Once I flipped off a guy on the bus and he pulled out a gun from his glove box and pointed it at the bus,everyone went nuts.

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Originally posted by Frate Raper@Jan 22 2006, 02:52 AM

My friend A.'s house was stocked with guns when we were growing up,his dad was some white trash drug dealing fuck bag that slept with a gun. I took one of my school friends B.,not from the area,over to A's place.B is showing us his dads wealth of guns while scaling out some weed.B take his dads 9 and shoves it in my face and says something along the lines of "you think your so fucking tough all the time".


I was worried cause I didn't know B well at all, but A was my man since pre school.A, calmly walks over to a closet and pulls out 12 gauge,pumps it once and tells B to leave his house and if ever sees him again that he will make him pay.


A still hates B,their both drug addicts now.



Once I flipped off a guy on the bus and he pulled out a gun from his glove box and pointed it at the bus,everyone went nuts.


Nevermind that was too corny even for me.


Did they kick you off the bus?


Me personally mad times by 5-0. A couple other times, but I didn't really have enough time to think about being scared. I think my words during both incidents were "Chill, OK, Chill."

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