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Issac Brock

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Tell you the truth...this whole shit is a twist in the game, and I hope that detroit cats ride out the hype from these past days about doing productions. This shit could go on for this whole summer, and ride out for years to come. Midwest cities who had a fifth of the talent Detroit has NOW was blazin' out some of the nicest panel walls you ever seen back in the mid to late 90's. Y'all crushed Detroit...it's been crushed for a long time bombing wise. It's only natural to start progressing to more complicated situations.


Bump wickedwacko on the whole bombing is what's up. True that, but progression is what dictates a "generation" in our city's graffiti history book. Detroit's street game is pretty different from other cities and it has thrived for years......so can the quality wall game. Dig deep, everything in graf ain't been touched yet. Detroit always shines. Bump every single last one of you fucked up muthafuckas painting shit with all you got now.....history's yours to make the way you want it to turn out if you got the heart to do it.


On a side note....shit is wild to say, but I tend to agree on 99.9% of the shit outta DSD's mouth...Aires pretty much has the #1 spot in this city this year.




AIRES is dope ill give him that, but number one writer of the year though? what? there's a chart now that tells us information like that?:lol: :lol: come on now. i understand its all opinion up in here but that's a bold statement.

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I actually hear there's a study going on at the Porab Institute for Urban Research and Redecoration (the PIURR), there's several large white boards with all the mathematical FACTS AND DOCUMENTS that clearly show that Aires is equal to or greater than the #1 writer this year. I cant claim to understand the complexities of the formula that came to this conclusion but then again I was never very good at math.


Those last 3 sentences took way too much thought.


In closing bump Aires.

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AIRES bites everyone else and has zero originality, style or talent!


you people are dumb for bumping aires in the first place


If I run into him on the street, i'm taking his fanny pack of paint and make him my bitch for the night.


Stay in Canton!!!!

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AIRES is dope ill give him that, but number one writer of the year though? what? there's a chart now that tells us information like that?:lol: :lol: come on now. i understand its all opinion up in here but that's a bold statement.


I hit you on the PM about 'progression in a scene' which might explain my opinion more. But, I say bold as hell he's the #1 writer of the year because what he's doing is what a scene needs to refresh & progress for upcoming or current writers. Detroit is so fresh, and the street scene is on its last leg. Writers remember the 2002-2005 years of stagnant ass shit. Aires is bringing a quality style of throws, hands, and sometimes piecing that this city's scene can't really trace back to noone elses style here. Admit it or not, we all bite somehow the fresh shit we see, and I think he's going to have an impact how other writers progress no matter how subtle it may be. It's going to reduce the chance of the scene being stagnant which I thought this year was the beginning phase.


My bad, but answer this shit.....who's coming out with that new retarted shit this year, or the past year or two???? DON'T influences, but it's the same shit as years ago. Elmer, Gasm, great, great writers in the aspect of what they do/did & how they influenced....I had to erase what I wrote & realized, even though you can see a piece nowadays & compare it almost similar to years ago.....those 2 specific writers always push THEIR fuckin' envelope every year.


The reason I said Aires is so dope, is because his shit reminds me how eras ended, and eras started, what so DIFFERENT writers came along to shake things up. Fel, Sehv, Stori, Esau, Justo, Kosek, Army, Turtle, Elmer....These writers, in my opinion, pushed the progression in stagnant scenes. That's why they're known & important. Could be completely wrong, it's just that I think Aires might do that, he brings an element I have never seen in this city yet.


I drink a couple brews & get fuckin' philosophical on detroit graf scene, my bad for long winded shit. And fuck Aires, chances are this niggas gonna stop paintin' this year like all the good writers do. Stop too fuckin' early.

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I was thinking of hosting a battle at the Fun Wall maybe 4th of July weekend. I would need four writers who would be down to battle and take bragging rights. Once again this is still an idea until i get four (4) writers who are down to go head to head.




(Even if you do not have a Facebook take a look at what has been happening at the Fun Wall, I am trying to bring it back to life with a few summer events.)



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AIRES bites everyone else and has zero originality, style or talent!


you people are dumb for bumping aires in the first place


If I run into him on the street, i'm taking his fanny pack of paint and make him my bitch for the night.


Stay in Canton!!!!


someone jealous ...haha


bitch ass

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