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The Skateboard Thread


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damn i dont know why those photos dont work. theyre still hosted. well anyway they were side by side comparisons of skating and dancing.


also i just want to defend my 3 year old argument by refuting keys point.

just becuase something is judged doesnt make it a sport.


they judge bbq cook offs and all kinds of shit thats not a sport, including dancing competitions.

also a word on language.


you play basketball

you play soccer.


you dont play skateboard.

just like you dont go footballing.


sports you play. sports you win.

skateboarding is expression that happens to maybe possibly be subjectively judged

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Anyone else stoked Jason Adams is back at Black Label ?


I still think the Enkoi deck I have of his is rad , but I'm so fucking happy he'a back at Label . :cool:



what happened with jason adams and creature? didnt he start that company with barker barrett? i remember when that shit was just getting off?



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so let me ask you younger kids, is skateboarding still a "fag sport?" i mean when i was growing up, we basically had to deal with shit constantly. if it wasn't fighting, it was running so we wouldn't get destroyed. jocks, meatheads, townies, were always fucking with us. we were constantly having to defend ourselves from bullshit. is it still that way, seeing that skateboarding is so "cool" now.


can any of the older heads in here relate to what i'm saying?


I remember my Vans being called " faggot skater shoes " , and this being 1988-1995 roughly . I remember being 12-13 years old and being chased by most of the football players in high school . I remember being cornered by a pickup with 3 jock dudes . I was 14 and they were all 17 and senbiors in high school . I remember standing my ground , hitting the biggest one in the mouth with my deck , smashing out 2 of his teeth and giving him a broken nose , bruised cheekbone . I remember all the blood and watching his friends run back to the pickup and not no what to do . I remember skating home and not feeling any more fear from anyone that tried to fuck with me skateboarding . :cool:


-I had to go to court , fucker's wealthy parents tried to suit me . The Judge threw out the case on grounds of self-defense and me being only 14 vs. 3 17 year olds . :lol:

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I recall every jock, surfer or other type of kook that drove by a spot we would be skating yelling "skate or die". That shit would get me steaming


This was '86 - '89 .... I was so glad when that died down ... now you get the same crowd asking if you can kickflip ... and the offer of a high 5 if you can. Yeah Brah !!!

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the only kids i'll blatantly hate on are the kind of kids that say skating pools and ditches and shit takes no talent, and it's boring, and blah blah blah. that's just ridiculous to me.


i second this shit. i don't want to come off like i'm hating on young kids --it's not like that at all. but if this mentality is for real, than that kid needs to be dropped off a bridge.

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celt --nice walk down memory lane. i had similar issues in my early teens. my favorite thing was when dudes would drive by and yell "fucking faggots" or some shit. then we'd do the usual (flip them off), which was always followed by screaching breaks and the car being thrown in reverse. that's when we'd just run up and start smacking the car with our boards. trucks in hands, swinging like axes. they'd get out of the car, and we'd be mobile before they could even jump to a run. we'd then either call it a night, or just spend the night running and hiding. it all came back on us though, sometimes a little harder than the last. i was 14 --1988. those were some of the best nights of my life. it wasn't like it was constantly fucked up everytime we went out, but we saw plenty of shit, and had plenty of shit happen to us. all of that shit made me a different person. skate culture opened my eyes to so much reality. there really is a deeper philosophy to it, than just a useless wooden toy.


i sometimes wonder, if i never skated and instead played golf or baseball --would i be better off now? would i be in some office, running a department, or making multi-million dollar sales for some media conglomerate? would i be living in a house, with a wife, a dog, two kids, and watching the rise and fall of stocks every morning? you know, the "cush" american life. two cars, vacations, HDTV, a well groomed family?


shit, thank god i stepped on that board.


stagnant water --ain't if funny how those who hated are now all about the "X-games" and wearing element t-shirts and DC shoes.

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bare with me, i'm just fucking bored and working down some rum. i know i'm starting to sound like an annoying old fart, but here's some images that are burned into my memory.














this is one of my favorite photos of all time, it won't let me post it, but here's the link:



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Jamie Thomas is still a fucking rager . The one of Jeff Phillips I have enlarged and hanging on my wall . I was fortunate anough to meet Jeff Phillips before he took his own life . And he even was cool enough to give my friends and I some advice on Method airs . R.I.P.

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rebelhearts --where is that spot, and when is the next BBQ? i'd fucking love to have some shit like that in my back yard. i love how they have the quarter, and a volcano in the backyard. fucking classic cement heads.


this dude up above looks like he farts french fries.



it's in northern VA, a little outside of DC.


check this out: http://www.ecrwfoundation.org


you can check out some of the other stuff they're up to, also.

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Third ....



ive been skating since for roughly 17 years and tranny has never appealed to me at all.


I agree I think coming up in that era when vert was on its way out had an impact on forming that opinion ...... now I am starting to see it as a way to keep skating into my 40's and 50's. Cant throw myself down double sets too much longer. Slash Dog Status here I come.



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