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The Skateboard Thread


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any one remember KIDS?

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcf2oPHH65E&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcf2oPHH65E&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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Filmed some garbage at some garbage skatepark.


Whatever. Anyways, for reference, I am the worst one, in the red and black shirt, with the funny hat.




Tell me what to work on. Be cruel.


damn dude. i mean, im not going to talk shit. but honestly. why would you film any of that, much less edit it together. i understand the whole fuckin around bro cam thing. but honestly even if that was me skating I wouldnt want to watch it, much less show anyone else, with the exception of the last trick, and only then because, you know, its a trick and everything. theres like 10 seconds of actual skating footage in that whole clip

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damn dude. i mean, im not going to talk shit. but honestly. why would you film any of that, much less edit it together. i understand the whole fuckin around bro cam thing. but honestly even if that was me skating I wouldnt want to watch it, much less show anyone else, with the exception of the last trick, and only then because, you know, its a trick and everything. theres like 10 seconds of actual skating footage in that whole clip




Thats cool.

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I get what your saying but


How is it not "skating"


I fs boardlided the curved rail. did a slappy grind on the curved thing, and board slided the down rail.


Its not like I posted up a bunch of flatground kickflips and pop shove its.


its not like its hard tricks. But I wouldnt go as far as to say its not real skateboarding. I realise that I suck but I am working on improvement. so that critique was not really helpful. Tell me what I SHOULD be doing. im just going to assume most of the thread is far better than me soo. yeah help me out.

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nah i was just being harsh on ya. cause theres alot of shaky whatever footage with just people in a park. closeups of feet. and bad filming. typical backyard brocam stuff.in the long run im no better than you man . of course you actually did some tricks. i dunno. im probably not taking your age into account either. im an asshole like that.


of course those things are really skateboarding, and are real tricks. its just, those tricks, in this day and age are basically just flatground tricks. not that you shouldnt be so syked to learn to do them, cause you should be, its just, as far as showing yourself off to the internet, so to speak, that isnt really the way to go. of course have fun making vids with your crew. thats part of growing up skating.


anyone who will be impressed (besides girls your age, which is good) cant skate as well as you, and really are just in the way,. and everyone else that is better than you, couldnt care less. im not tryin to be mean, this is my best old man skater to grom speech.


unfortunately it looks like that park really sucks and i can sympathize with that situation. so the best thing i can say is....go find other stuff to skate that isnt made for skating. imagine the classic shapes and way a skatepark flows (or should at least) and try to imagine those shapes on top of the rest of your surroundings. skateboarding is about putting your board on things that it isnt meant to touch. pools whatever. thats its history and thats its future.


and lastly dont listen to fucking old kooks like me. just keep pushing yourself and shit will fall into place.

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I get what your saying but


How is it not "skating"


I fs boardlided the curved rail. did a slappy grind on the curved thing, and board slided the down rail.


Its not like I posted up a bunch of flatground kickflips and pop shove its.


its not like its hard tricks. But I wouldnt go as far as to say its not real skateboarding. I realise that I suck but I am working on improvement. so that critique was not really helpful. Tell me what I SHOULD be doing. im just going to assume most of the thread is far better than me soo. yeah help me out.




What you really need to do is just grow a thicker skin and not just expect people on the internet to be like "yeah bro, that was dope!"

I mean, not to be mean and shit, but yeah. You and your boys kinda suck.

But it's cool cause you're just having fun and being 15.

But when you put that video on here and ask for honest opinions... you're gonna get just that.


Just keep at it and wait another couple years untill you post another video asking for criticism.

Especially since you don't seem to be willing to take said criticism.

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nah i was just being harsh on ya. cause theres alot of shaky whatever footage with just people in a park. closeups of feet. and bad filming. typical backyard brocam stuff.in the long run im no better than you man . of course you actually did some tricks. i dunno. im probably not taking your age into account either. im an asshole like that.


of course those things are really skateboarding, and are real tricks. its just, those tricks, in this day and age are basically just flatground tricks. not that you shouldnt be so syked to learn to do them, cause you should be, its just, as far as showing yourself off to the internet, so to speak, that isnt really the way to go. of course have fun making vids with your crew. thats part of growing up skating.


anyone who will be impressed (besides girls your age, which is good) cant skate as well as you, and really are just in the way,. and everyone else that is better than you, couldnt care less. im not tryin to be mean, this is my best old man skater to grom speech.


unfortunately it looks like that park really sucks and i can sympathize with that situation. so the best thing i can say is....go find other stuff to skate that isnt made for skating. imagine the classic shapes and way a skatepark flows (or should at least) and try to imagine those shapes on top of the rest of your surroundings. skateboarding is about putting your board on things that it isnt meant to touch. pools whatever. thats its history and thats its future.


and lastly dont listen to fucking old kooks like me. just keep pushing yourself and shit will fall into place.



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