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try the blunt stall to rock.


and after you get comfortable, try the blunt to fakie.


i learned blunt to fakies on this really mellow 3-4 foot tall quarterpipe. so i guess try it on something small


Word. Always learn the variations first like blunt to rock, Blunt to 50-50, Blunt to pivot etc.


The trick to blunt to fakie is that when you pop out, keep the board as steep as it goes and just fall back into the ramp. Don't use your front foot to try and straingten the ollie out, just pop back and fall with it with your board still vertical.

Also it works alot easier if you pop as soon as your tail hits the coping. Getting into the blunt and stalling for a second will just fuck up the whole momentum and cause you to bitch out. If you keep it moving and pop back out as soon as your tail hits it's not only alot easier but it just looks better too.

It just takes some manning up and going for it at first.


Then after you get those down comfortably you can start using your front foot to straighten/bone it out for blunt to nose smacks.

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Word. Always learn the variations first like blunt to rock, Blunt to 50-50, Blunt to pivot etc.


The trick to blunt to fakie is that when you pop out, keep the board as steep as it goes and just fall back into the ramp. Don't use your front foot to try and straingten the ollie out, just pop back and fall with it with your board still vertical.


The manning up to falling back in is all I am missing ... I can do them to 50/50 and pivots (b/s) and I am popping out nicely ... I will get to falling back in when I get back on my board.


I fell last Saturday and re-inflamed my ribs from the below incident. I need to chill for a week or so. I cant even sneeze without lots of pain.

I just took my worst fall of the year today .. warming up on a mini (3rd run)... lip slide, hung up and went to flat with my elbow into the ribs knocking the wind out of me.
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i dont know if dat dude could even do a handstand.....................................................................................................................................................................




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Well... i learned axel stalls and 50 50's. I learned rock to fakie and rock and roll. I learned nollie pops and fakie pops. What should I go for? preferably not 5-0. thats giving me a hard time.


frontside rock and rolls, frontside 50-50's, basically frontside tricks in general. Thats always my hang up on transition anyways, i learn all the backside tricks because they are more natural then it's hard to learn things frontside.

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