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The Skateboard Thread


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ok so richie jackson may dress like an extra from dazed and confused, but it warms my heart to see someone go thier own way and do something besides lip slide a rail and nollie heel a bazillion set. id buy dude a beer, is all im sayin. thank god guys like him can get sponsored too. gives me hope...


jumping down a handrail was super creative in the 80s an shit, but when people try to think outside the box nowadays, people hate on them. when shecklers doin tampon commercials with kickflip back tails and whatever the fuck, you gotta give it to guys who wanna do some different shit. some of it may look stupid and janky, but you know what it doesnt look like? every other fuckin white tee fitted clone who wants a signature truck/shoe.


make room for creativity in skateboarding you fuckin robots.



wait a second.... YOUR NAME DOESN'T FIT YOU AT ALL.


but bump either way.

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^Your story's got mad holes in it.


What's with the recent influx of liars lately?

Cause that's somethin' to lie about.....:lol: Did you want me to start from the time he opened the present to the time I got drunk and posted my "story" on 12oz Channel 0???


Next time I'll make sure to give you a detailed run down of my life, wouldn't want to be called a liar and shit....:rolleyes:

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Cause that's somethin' to lie about.....:lol: Did you want me to start from the time he opened the present to the time I got drunk and posted my "story" on 12oz Channel 0???


Next time I'll make sure to give you a detailed run down of my life, wouldn't want to be called a liar and shit....:rolleyes:




Unless he opened his present in 1989, fell and hit his head leaving him in a coma for 18 years, then came out of his coma and was like "fuck that skating shit, I'm just gonna stick with this fancy new Tony Hawk video game".... then I don't see how your story possibly makes sense.

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its is true though, there are alot of guys out there doing it "their way" which is alot like other Dorks(pole jams wallrides, lots of banks and reverts, quirky stuff)but that stuff is getting coverage ( a bit) and then you can get labeled kook pro or whatever.micah hollinger, jerrod saba jamal smith, puleo, barletta, richie jackson and alot of other guys. some of those guys probably arent even pros but whatever. at some point i wouldnt be surprised to see that as a more dominate trend. . . and then every body will be trying to come out of left field on some art nerd shit. right now from where i stand i cant see that as a bad thing, but maybe time will make me jaded. i guess thats just the stuff i search for so it seems like theres alot out there. im just glad that guys are doing shop vids and stuff and still having fun and being dorky is all.


whatever, i know other people like their own shit too,and more power to you skate-brother... but to just straight hate on a dude for being creative in a creative scene is wack.

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Unless he opened his present in 1989, fell and hit his head leaving him in a coma for 18 years, then came out of his coma and was like "fuck that skating shit, I'm just gonna stick with this fancy new Tony Hawk video game".... then I don't see how your story possibly makes sense.




go pull someone elses card dumbass.:lol:

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ever try to skate one..went full charge pushing on one of those pieces of shit and only got 30 feet before it stop't. i think they have rubber bearings...and world industries has sadly joined the party of "Sell your shit at Chix"..saw one of those shitty plastic launch ramps with there logo on it and everything...skateboarding needs another steve rocco..

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It makes me mad to see how much better kids that are like two years younger than me are. Seriously lol, kid at the park today does a distaster on the pipe, rolls down and busts a huge perfect tre up the bank. and lands clean.


luckily not that many people can TOUCH my nerdy wallrides and wallies and poll jams lol.




Or my front boards on traffic bariers. I set one of those up off the bank today. I got really good at it. It was like waist high I guess.


I wish my freinds skated though. I typically run into the same cats at the skatepark.

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i wish people would still skate street like they used too..just skate the whole city..no cars..just skating from spot to spot..and hitting everything on the way that was the best...


it takes an explorers spirit. not all cats that skate are explorers. they skate spots they know and just focus on tricks. theres other cats that like to what they can pull off of that rusted ass pole leaning at a 45 degree angle out of the ground.



why be so worried about how other people skate?

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i wish people would still skate street like they used too..just skate the whole city..no cars..just skating from spot to spot..and hitting everything on the way that was the best...


I don't know where you're at but if you ever stop in Boston let me know.


That's all I do on the board weather permitting.


I'm still finding the spots and new ones and the routes with the


most possibilities inbetween. Lots of fun.


I really enjoy ollie-ing around town.


Adventure style.

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It is fun just roaming the town skating


I don't feel free just skating at one spot doing one thing


Same invitation here.


That's the old spirt of skateboarding when everyone was helping


write the script and shape what it was.


Anything had potential as a skate-able object. Like we didn't have all these


videos and shit to show this is a spot this isn't. I looked at magazines of places like


DelMar and there wasn't shit like that in my world. Or all the school banks and


famous places like that. All on the west coast.


So we rolled around our little town and tried to skate anything we could.


The only thing that limited you was how well you could ride the board.


Cause street skating was whatever wasn't a ramp.


Yeah and we all had fucken T-Bones and shit. Ha ha.


You could ride those things through a half a foot of gravel!

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