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The Skateboard Thread


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they have no respect and no perifreal vision...




Another thing that's been getting on my nerves at parks and crowded spots is these kids with their fucking ipods that have no clue what's going on around them.

I'm about to start checking these kids when they get in my way.

Hockey style.

It ain't my fault you can't hear shit, take the fucking ipod out your ears and you can hear what's going on around you!!!

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i was looking for a photo taken in the 2003 or 2002 king of the road issue. the picture is of dan drehobl getting air out of a bowl on an assault rifle skateboard made from a prop they got off a surplus store. can anyone help me out?

goddamn, i know exactly what picture you're talking about, but i don't have any of my old magazines at my current apartment. If i'm not mistaken, that picture was taken at a park really close to my parents' old house too, but unfortunetely i'm no help right now.

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[QUOTE=CELT;5945117]Never did do kickflips , I skate goofy so it's heelflips all day long . :lol:


Hey CELT What is the deal with that. I'm goofy and I have landed ONE kickflip


ever. Heelflips I used to be able to do. I had them almost back before it started


snowing again. I don't know I can never flick my foot to the outside. My ankle


no likey. Never did.


That's not really a lefty thing is it.


Is that a convenient excuse? If so I'm stealing it.


Ha ha

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What's wrong with it???

Are you fucking serious???


You kids constantly get in the fucking way cause you can't hear who's going where.

Yall tune everything out and act like you're the only ones at the spot and just roll infront of people like they aint even there.

Cause you can't hear other peoples wheels rolling.


That's what's wrong with it.


Fucking idiot.

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What's wrong with it???

Are you fucking serious???


You kids constantly get in the fucking way cause you can't hear who's going where.

Yall tune everything out and act like you're the only ones at the spot and just roll infront of people like they aint even there.

Cause you can't hear other peoples wheels rolling.


That's what's wrong with it.


Fucking idiot.


youre just a hating ass fag who cant even afford an ipod.

suck a dick.

btw i dont blast my fucking ipod so i cant hear shit.

loud enough to hear music.

quiet enough to hear other people.

so uh you know,

fuck you.




oh yeah and the only people who get cut off are the ones NOT paying attention you fucking ass clown.

and if you ever do decide to 'check' someone, i hope theres a camera handy so we have video of you getting an ass whooping from a fucking pedal pucher.

eat a dick and die.

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to you pussies whining about ipods:

QUIT SKATING PARKS YOU PANSIES!!! get the fuck over it. you sound like a bunch of whiny girls... i'm not saying you should go cut people off, but if you know what's up, you know what's up... hearing has much less to do with that kind of shit than actual SIGHT....i swear to god graffiti writers are some of the most arrogant idiots in the fucking world.

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