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The Skateboard Thread


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you can't talk shit on tech shit. sure, fashion can go some pretty dumb places, and everyone that ever rode a skateboard agrees that the tiny wheels thing was stupid, but to talk shit about the progression of the sport (for lack of a better word) is just plain dumb. if people weren't doing flip in flip out shit on curbs back then, you wouldn't have people taking that shit to the pools/bowls/ramps you old swamp trogs seem to live and die for. you 65mm dudes gonna say a kickflip back disaster in the deep end of a kidney isn't dope? knock off the dumbassery

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Tomarrow, had to find tape for the box. and it was a weekend. but I got some sweet shit in there!


get on aim one day and ill send you some footy

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Seriously dudes, you guys need to quit with this old school elitism. Just grab your board, skate and don't sweat what the next guy is doing.


My main three skate buddies are all completely different, and we have fun ripping the same spots together. One dude is cavemanning the rail on a 8.5" black label, and another is trying to switch hardflip the steps on a 7.5" habitat, and I'm trying to clear the steps by using the crack in front of them as a little nollie bump on my 52mm wheels. We're still skating.

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Seriously dudes, you guys need to quit with this old school elitism. Just grab your board, skate and don't sweat what the next guy is doing.



Totally , my problem is the fact younger skaters don't know or understand the history of skateboarding , much like Graf these days . Just because I encourage people to skate bigger boards , wheels doesn't make me en " elitist " . I now have 3 setups going . My Black Label Red Cross / Emergency Jeff Grosso 9.25"x 33.25" , Independent 169mm's , 60mm OJII Razor's being my primary board . The 2nd one is an Enjoi Jason Adams Nixon Deck 7.8"x31.6" , Independent 169mm trucks and Black Label 58mm Emergency Team wheels , and the 3rd one is a Black Label Duane Peters Warhawk 9.5"x33.25" , Tracker Darts 184mm , and 63mm OJII Bullets . And skate with plenty of an oddball assortment of skaters in Ohio .

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skaters these days have more idea of their history than in any other period of skateboarding. and they definately have more knowledge of skating's history than graffiti kids do of graffiti history


What , through video games ? :rolleyes: J/K No but seriously that's just my take on it . Maybe it's the region or area I live in ? But most kids skating these days under the age of 25 are completely clueless . And when you try and educate them about the past they seem to not care . Plus this whole wigger attitude I see every now & then needs to die soon , saw it starting in the mid 90's .

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You know what's funny? I learn all about the old days from my 16 year old friend. This dude's like a skating encyclopedia on wheels. He knows like every video by heart, like order of tricks, etc. Spot names, what tricks have been done there and by who, and when. Its stupid.

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What , through video games ? :rolleyes: J/K No but seriously that's just my take on it . Maybe it's the region or area I live in ? But most kids skating these days under the age of 25 are completely clueless . And when you try and educate them about the past they seem to not care . Plus this whole wigger attitude I see every now & then needs to die soon , saw it starting in the mid 90's .


dogtown & zboys, the thrasher book, as well as alot of the retrospective stuff all the mags do in nearly every issue does alot towards showing people skateboarding's history.


but if you expect everybody to know every name/origin of trick/spiot that came before them you're expecting a little too much. after all, skateboarding is about riding a skateboard, not being a walking encyclopedia

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