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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


some shit happened last night, i was going home on 80, and when i get to el cerrito there's some huge backup, so i was gonna exit and take 580 instead. so when i was exiting, the light turned yellow right when i was about to go across the intersection, so i stopped, and this stupid bitch behind me honked cause i didn't go.

so i got hella pissed, and when the light turned green i stepped on the gas and peeled out a little and honked my horn and flipped her dumbass off. so then i'm turning left to get to 580, and this fucking cunt tried passing me up on the left and got in front of me and shit and i almost rear ended her.

so then she's in front of me right at the entrance to 580, and she's stopped there because i'm right behind her fucking stupid ass, and doesnt move for at least 2 minutes while i'm fucking honking my horn wishing i had a gun to shoot her in the back of the head.

anyway she finally went and drove hella slow on the freeway and wouldn't let me pass her, every time i changed lanes she cut right in front of me. so i pulled up at least 2 inches behind her and then floored it and cut out on her left and she tried doing the same but i was too quick and i saw her swerving behind me after i passed the stupid bitch. i wish her ass had lost it and crashed.


it wasn't that crazy, but man was i fucking pissed. i swear to god if i had a gun i would have pulled up beside her and shot her straight in the fucking face. stupid fucking bitch.

i didn't get her plates either. if i did then i would be at her house right now throwing a stone through her front windshield with a note attached saying "learn how to fucking drive you stupid fucking whore."


man was i heated.


shit like this happens to me all the time...

and the reason is cause they pretty much give anybody

a license.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


my homie carries those big D batteries in his car for shit like that...(to throw at cars windshields)


i have a scar on my neck from a fight that was road rage related..


it really isnt worth it...but people fucking really turn into assholes when they drive...


for example...

i ALWAYS let people merge into my lane....i even slow down for them..

and if someone needs to get over into my lane...ill stick my hand out the window and flag them in...


but other people will speed up not to let me merge into traffic...

i almost missed my turn because of this once, so i had to cut the guy off...


he gets out of his car....i get out of mine....

i end up shoving him...

some hero shows up...

i leave (dont need an assault charge over road rage)


but seriously road rage isnt worth it...

i had a gun pulled out on me on the freeway before.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


yeah... i've been trying to be the kind of guy that wouldn't get hassled over small shit on the road, but it's so impossible, especially here in the bay area.

i even tried lowering my faith in other drivers and expecting them to be deuches so i wouldn't get as pissed when shit would actually happen. preparing for the worst, so it'll be easier to react to, ya know?

even that shit doesn't work for me.


i wish i just had an emergency button that i could press whenever another driver cut me off that would blow their car to pieces.

that would be entertaining.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


All those road rage stories just got me pissed that I have to drive an hour to work in a little bit.


When I lived in CA, that was the worst I have seen road rage. Atlanta has them beat for worst drivers, but CA has them on road rage.


BTW, I seriously hate all of CA and wish that earthquake would come and make it disappear.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


i saw something on discovery hd about it.


the teleporter would have to take you apart, atom by atom, and copy your unique design completely, then store it in a code kind of like saving a digital image to a memory card.

then it could be sent to another location sort of like an email, and you would have to be put back together again, atom by atom...


complications after the copying and pasting process may include, but are not limited to:

missing body parts, your nose ending up on your chest, 12 fingers on one hand and 8 on the other, etc.


sounds like fun!

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