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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Yeah and you got your "friend" banned for it too. You should have jumped out your window last night for listening to Journey in the first place, because they suck (and nobody cares about you).


Someone quote this so ol' limp dick cry baby can read it.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Yeah and you got your "friend" banned for it too. You should have jumped out your window last night for listening to Journey in the first place, because they suck (and nobody cares about you).


Someone quote this so ol' limp dick cry baby can read it.


Don't stop believin...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


What do you 2 have against EBPH anyway?

Obviously I don't have access to said thread, so I don't know what was said and by whom, but, seems a little fishy to me.....


And I doubt they would talk about us rushawn, as to my knowledge we are under the radar or something.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Stop trying to play Maury Povich, you'll be just fine not knowing my business.


ps. I am by far not the only person that doesn't like emohouse on this forum... in fact I would say there's probably less people that do like him.... he's one of those, I get banned and come back all the time people.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


OK fair enough, but I don't even know who Maury Povich is.


So are Theo and casek one of these 'get banned and come back all the time people' also? I know they have been banned a couple of times.


But what I find funny, is that I had a whole Myspace group dedicated to hating on me, all done in secret where I couldn't access it. Similar thing with this apparent thread. At least if you are going to give someone shit (on the internet) at least do it in a place where they are able to retort (if they so choose to). Otherwise, you just end up looking rather lame (without the target even needing to reply to whatever has been written).

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


i belive I have turned a couple threads into that in the past it was fun...I like ebph now though /no homo well maybe can tolerate him now and dont instigate things with him to make my self laugh anymore...


Mauler how the fuck do people hate on you. Youre an aussie you can hate aussies their accents are too funny...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Vaj'ikins i mean we go back right i mean way back. Growing up together play dates the building blocks up to grade school pulling pig tails and those paper thingies that tell your future, you would always rig it so it would end up me and you remember? Growing into middle school best friends holding hands in the hall way our first kisses in the stair well by the tech wing. sneaking into movies never getting home on time using every last moment we had to be together. Then high school growing ever distant from each other two groups of friends pulling us apart greeting each other with nothing more than a nod in passing from class to class. Strain put on both of our lives yearning to be together I could see it in your eyes however it just couldnt be...adolescent fears the eyes on both of us would be to much to handle...Then you moving away to college and me going to work completely cut off our lives changed so much. Relationship to relationship going by nothing would fulfill the hole in my heart. Always wanting what I had so long ago so pure so perfect. You graduated came home. called me up...Now we are here. 3 years later days filled with walks on the beach relaxing and nights on my yatch sheets stained with champagne our clothes litter the floor. Your in the shower now I can see you through the steamed glass. Its just funny how things turn out sometimes I just sit and laugh under my breath about it now...everything is good everything is perfect...I have arrived...

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