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Bi-lingual Dreaming


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Last night’s dream has me wondering not of it’s meaning but if others dream in languages they are not fluent in.


Or the more interesting question when someone moves to a new country do you begin to dream in their native language?


So if you are bored here is the dream:


The dream starts in third person and then transitions to where I take on the roll of myself. I find

myself sitting inside a small Italian restaurant alongside of both my grandmothers (whom in real

life are dead) the restaurant is full and Italian music is played out of a horrible sound system.

There is food in front of us and there is lively conversation that I can’t hear. I notice everyone is

extremely happy, the kind of happiness you only experience as a child and have no worries. Two

Mexican men sit down interrupting the entire scene. Now there is no one is in the restaurant except

our table, the music is gone, but now rather then roll of narrator I’m inside myself. In a swift motion

the man on the right extracts a shotgun from under the table, working like negative and positive

forces on a magnet I go under the table just as quickly. Shooting begins from both men, I peak up

to see that their eyes are covered with their hands as they riddle the bodies full of bullets. I pick up

two plates of food and Frisbee through them at there heads. The guns drop to the floor, I leap over

picking up a revolver and grab one of the men by the hair and twisting his head in front of the

other, in one smooth motion I trust the revolver against his temple and squeeze the trigger. Click,

there are no bullets so I pistol-whip both of them. Seconds past as I stand over their bodies and

third Mexican walks in toting a gold pistol. Head locking one of the unconscious men I place the

revolver to his head. With a shake of my head he throws his pistol to the ground. Releasing the

man Imp holding I now take aim at the third mans head “siéntese por favor (please sit-down) “ I

tell him.


I wake up and feel great.

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i could see being interested if you had an entire conversation in a foreign language, but that's a pretty common phrase if you've taken either spanish or italian in high school.


Or the more interesting question when someone moves to a new country do you begin to dream in their native language?

i don't know how you would even think that's possible.


still a cool dream though. i wish i had dreams like that.

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Thats a interesting dream man, a few months ago i had a dream that i accidentaly drank some drain-o and i could feel my stomach literly melting--but wait, it not over yet! i become like a ghost and i can fly through walls, i fly through the wall of my room and end up out side, by the way, the entire dream i couldent hear so it was like i was deaf,so i see a dog walking in the street and when i fly towards it it looks at me and i get sucked into its eyes and all the sudden i am the dog, like i possesed it or somthing and i could see every thing from the dogs point of view, i woke up befor i could do doggy style, but it made me think alot of what would happen if i did die then i went to jack in the box and ordered an pinnedo.


--by the way, someone should make a dream thread, that would be cool because i have ALOT of wierd absract type dreams.

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Originally posted by deterrent@Apr 8 2005, 04:32 PM

So you're fluent in both Russain and English and you only dream in Russian, what country do yo live in?


english is my native language, but you can consider russian apart of me too because i was hearing it before i knew english - my parents. its funny i dont even speak russian but i understand it, nobody taught me.


i live in tx by the way.

my dreams are in english not russian.

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Originally posted by GEEB@Apr 8 2005, 09:56 PM

Thats a interesting dream man, a few months ago i had a dream that i accidentaly drank some drain-o and i could feel my stomach literly melting--but wait, it not over yet! i become like a ghost and i can fly through walls, i fly through the wall of my room and end up out side, by the way, the entire dream i couldent hear so it was like i was deaf,so i see a dog walking in the street and when i fly towards it it looks at me and i get sucked into its eyes and all the sudden i am the dog, like i possesed it or somthing and i could see every thing from the dogs point of view, i woke up befor i could do doggy style, but it made me think alot of what would happen if i did die then i went to jack in the box and ordered an pinnedo.





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uh, this story was a dream, who are you to tell me what im dreaming and what im not? and for the matter ive been ignoring all of your past comments to me, and i still wonder why do you have to comment on all of my post? dont you know i cry at night because of the things you say to me? huh?

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by saraday@Apr 9 2005, 01:37 AM

anyone besides me ever expierence "lucid dreaming"?


I have lucid dreams between 1-3 times a week. It's gotten to the point when I'm not all that amazed when I wake up at how awesome the experience was (it's still fucking awesome every single time though).


Also, I dream in both English and Spanish.

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i took spanish in highschool. i hardly remember anything, but about a month ago i had a dream where i was speaking to this chick in spanish and it made sense. maybe it didnt, but in the dream it seemed to. i thought it was pretty odd

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wow, i had a weird dream last night. i was with a handful of other people, and we were in some kind of fenced off military bombing range or something in the desert. everyone except me and one other person decided to go to a more secluded area and have sex, us two stayed by the fence. then a military helicopter came, i wanted to climb the fence and run away but there was a guy with a gun in the helicopter and he said not to move, or he would shoot. then i was awakened with some bad news.

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