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The Hitchhiking Thread


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So recently one of my friends gave me a copy of that book "Bomb the Suburbs". So far I've mostly looked at it with alot of cynicism (sp?) and not taken alot of it too seriously. But one thing I did find interesting just on a more general tip was his talk of hitchiking across America.


It didn't even occur to me that people actually did this, I always picture that movie stand by me when I think of it. Aside from the axe weilding rapist factor it seems like it would be dope way to collect some adventures and meet some interesting people with less organising and hassle that would normally come with back packing. So I was wondering have any of you actually done this shit? Or know anyone who has? Any horrible near axed to death experience's ? Or humorous stories? Thoughts on it in general ?


For now I'll leave you with a photo of this german hitchhiker who came up when I googled it .




On his site he says "I have been hitchhiking since 1996, since I was 18. Since then, I have traveled about 85,000 kilometers this way. I love it, I have met a lot of interesting people, had a lot of surprises, andgot a lot of important ideas while hitchhiking. I HAVE INFECTED SOME MORE PEOPLE WITH THE VIRUS" :shook:


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bomb the suburbs is a decent book...worth the rack


but my hitchhiking story:


one time it was raining real real bad and this car pulled up and asked me and my friend if we wanted a ride...so we said alright and then we get in the back and shit...the people are saying 'ohh we know what its like to walk in the rain'...then the passenger was like 'too bad this isnt our car' and looked at the driver and started laughing at eachother, me and my friend just looked at eachother like uh ohh..


another hitchhiking story:


one time me and the same friend were trying to get home so we were hitchhiking for about 20 minutes then a car pulls up and my friend is like 'nicee, we got ourselves a ride' turns out to be a cop haha, he just told us its illegal to hitchike, we just said we didnt know and thats it.

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one day me n my boy were skatin around our old spot,and my friend decides he has to shit badly,and the nearest place with a bathroom was about 3 or 4 blocks away,and the only car in sight was a fuckin cop car,luckly he gave us a ride without question,my friend straight up said,he man i got the shits help me out with a ride..that worked out pretty well,i have a couple more storys but they are all about the same,just from walkin in the rain after painting or something.

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Hitchhiking is far too unreliable to travel great distances. And hardly nobody gives rides these days. Well unless you are a girl and then you have other problems. You will walk more than you ride.

Hopping trains is more reliable but you have to have a pretty good idea of the railsystems or you could wind up way the fuck out somewhere in the middle of nowhere with no food, water nothing.... and/or freezing your ass off.


But fuck this shit. Rely on yourself. I don't understand this fascination with backpacking. I've spend plenty enough of my life living out of a bag already.

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while in brazil recently i was waiting with my brother and two friends for a bus to take us to the center, when this guy in a car pulled up and said "same price as the bus to the center", so we were like fuck it, and got in, and he took us to the center and we got out and paid him the same price, which in dolars is -$.90 or so.


my pops biked across germany, france and england with some friends after he got out of school, and stayed in inns along the way. now that would be the shit.

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Yeah they got that kind of thing here in the states... some places call them jitneys.... some places call them cars.... they call it cars around here... There is some kind of hand signal to hail them but I forgot what it is now.... But they are cheaper than taxis and generally respectable as a business.


Biking across europe would be awesome... staying in inns...

yeah that would be cool.

But hitchhiking still sux.

Actually couples have an easier time than either a man or a woman alone. But it still sux.

Only "special" people pick up hitchhikers these days. Especially benevolent, or especially malevolent....

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i was hitching from austin to temple to get to a yard there and this guy picked me up with this raunchy crackwhore in some beat up ass van. he said he would take me the whole way but he had to run some errands first. so first he drove me into the woods and he ran outta gas so he went and stole some from some house we were parked by. then he pulled up to a house and told the whore to go make him some money, she knocked on the door and came out 5 minutes later with 20 bucks. then he stopped got some gas, got a flat tire. we stopped at some sketchy ass place and he traded a battery for a tire. then we left there and he asked what i was doin for money and i said "im just winging it man" and he said "well shit you can grab my weeny and make 30 bucks. i was so caught off guard that i just said "nah tahts cool" and he took me to the yard and dropeed me off. it was fucking weird, the whole time i thought he was gonna shoot me.

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my mom was doing ti asa teenager w/ her sister... they dangled my aunt out the van's side door on the highway.


careful w/ rides from cops... a guy around the way got a ride from a cop late one night... cop pulls off the road and under a bridge near a river.. ol' boy freaks out and starts kicking the back window.. finally busts it and gets out, running up to the highway... to stay there until some other cops came. he currently has charges pending for destroying police property and evading an officer

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Originally posted by villain@Dec 21 2004, 01:28 PM

that's what i'm saying.... takes a special kind of person.


Yeah, when I first read that stuff I had the same thought. William "upski" Wimsatt says different. But then again I'm not sure I'de rely on the guys opinion.


I still find it interesting though, if it was just a regular thing for people to do with relative safety than I'de definatley do it for a few months.


The idea of just drifting around talking to random people and doing random shit spur of the moment has alot of appeal.


According the Billy boy, dude left Chicago with $40 and came back with $35. If you could pull that off for a few months at those costs without getting hurt wouldn't you do it ?

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when i lived on the "big island" of hawaii, also known as the island of hawaii(i live on oahu now), i had to hitch-hike from the hilo side to kau, which is in the middle, so i'd say about 75 miles...

so anyways me and my cousin are walking and after about 5 miles of walking a car pulls over and we thought we were gonna get a ride...

the guy says "hey where are you guys headed?" and i'm like "kau... come inside the car friends" and my cousin whispers to me "dude seriously i think hes a rapist lets run to the forrest" and i'm like "nah it's cool lets get a ride"...

so anyway we decide to get a ride and i ask him to open his trunk so i can put my backpack in it and he yells at us "GET IN THE FUCKING CAR RIGHT NOW" and hes drooling while yelling...

so this guy gets out of his fucking car and me and my cousin book it for the forrest, we are running from this guy for about 20 minutes and the whole time he's yelling how he's gonna kill us, we get to pele's road(pele is a hawaiian god, the goddess of fire) and this road is pitch fucking BLACK, not to mention its about 30 miles long.

so the guy gave up and were walking down this road and it's so dark that we can't tell if our eyes are open or closed, that's how dark it was, so we get to this area with some lighting and we decide to go toward it because maybe its the highway, turns out we had to hop this 3 foot high fence, we thought there weren't any dogs because the fence was only 3 feet long... wrong... WRONG...

we are walking and we here "arf" and we're like fucking bitch ass dogs, then we hear "RAW WRA RA WRA RAWR" and we're like what the fuck? and all we see is like a locust swarm of chihuaha dogs RUSHING toward us, at least 20 of them, and we're like oh fuck no and we start running, we hop this fence about 2 minutes later and get rid of the dogs, so we DID end up on the highway again, my cousin busts out a joint and says to me "fuck it we gotta get blazed tonight is fucked up"

so after about another hour of walking on the highway we see a car, he pulls over to give us a ride, turns out it's a D.A.R.E officer(drug abuse resistance education), we're stoned off our asses and this cop gives us a ride, the whole time i was scared shitless and trying to hide me being high, anyways he gave us a ride the whole way like 70 miles at 2 am, nice guy, that's my hitch-hiking story :shook:

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around my way they got hack cabs... not real cabbies btu they do the same thign i got a ride home from center city all the way outta west and into the burbs.. so im tryin to hail acab and i got these 2 girls that pull up in a montero or something.. to dyke bitches maken out at all th elights. it was a fun ride home and cheaper then a cab... that was sweet dude. never really thougth of hitchhiking though i guess becuase i dotn have anywhere to go...

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the only place i have ever hitch hiked is in the mountains in colorado. but its pretty common there with all the snowboarders and shit. one time my truck broke down way out in the woods while four wheeling. (cue: deliverence banjo)i had to hitch hike out the trail, then catch another ride to town to get a part. then hitch back. on the way back the engine in the truck i was riding in caught on fire. this was all with a girl..and while i thought it was a cool little adventure for the day, she was lame, scared, bitching and moaning the whole time. sounds like any hitching leads to some fun/crazy not expected shit.

Just a few years back I met some german cat in an SF yard who had just done the cross U.S. trip. flew in to NYC then hit the road to get to the west coast. that must of been one hell of a trip.

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well i have hitchhiked to every state but kansas and hawaii, i dont know why kansas i just kinda missed it somehow, i think i might spend this summer hitchhiking again, go down to new orleans or maybe to austin i keep hearing austin is really cool but have had bad experiences in texas hitchhiking.

as far as stories go i got a few, like the time me and my boy almost got abducted by a christian cult in fontana, or the time we hitched a ride ashland with this dude who had about a ton of weed in the back of the truck smoking joints with us the whole time, or the time this dude picked me up drove me to arcadia and kicked me 2 trash bags full of trim.

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Only time i've ever hitchhiked was when i was snowboarding in Utah. Me and my friend went off trail and ended up going from a resort higher up on the mountain and coming down at a lower resort. We started walking back up on the road, and we caught a ride from some middle aged lady. I probably wouldn't just hitchhike on normal roads, but in this situation there was nowhere she could go but up the mountain to where we were going.

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