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if you bought tickets to a movie in advance, and then when it was time for the movie you just weren't in the mood to watch a movie, would you still go see it? like, damn, i paid 8 bucks i gotta get my moneys worth. or would you say, why the fuck would i do something i don't feel like doing?


-tickle me el-mao :china:

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yo, on some real shit homie... Did you catch some Tease virus over there in hong kong?


Because these threads are really fucking shitty lately.


Maybe you need to get some religious tattoos in spanish like the Moppa to get back in the game.


Im almost tempted to suspend your posting ability for a bit just so you can straighten out and come back with the fire.

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if i was near the theatre, i'd go get my money back, get gift certificates or whatever they do. if i wasn't close i'd say fuck it. 8 bucks is no match for laziness.


and why hasn't anyone thought of bootlegging movie tickets? movie tickets are $14 here. you could consevatively sell 20-30 on a saturday and for $10 a pop, thats a nice bit of walking around money.

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admittedly, this thread blows. but i have a reason for asking, and actually, i think that you learn a lot about a person by the way they answer this question.


but... that other thread was fucking awesome. did you even look at the link of the crazy german graf terrorist guys? plus bubble wrap! plus a wu-umentary!!!


(and how dare you insult me like this in public and bring shame upon the batcave?)


^ :china: ^

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and actually, i think that you learn a lot about a person by the way they answer this question.


See that's a fucking stupid cop-out on any question you can ask. Anything can be made to seem important if you pretend like its some kind of bizarre psychology experiment, but this never was, never will be. It was a real question, so own up to the shit.

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ummm, i wasn't trying to be all psychoanalytical... i was just surprised last night when my flatmate looked at me like i was nuts when i told her just to not go to the movies last night after she told me she wasn't in the mood. she thought i was insane that i could even suggest not going to a movie after paying for it. i thought she was kinda crazy for doing something she wasn't in the mood to do.

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first question: what the fuck is a jawn?

response to your movie question: get a friend together, get a batman costume, have your friend get a robin costume, ruin others movie going experiences by having your friend say wierd robin type shit to you "Holy Hopscotch Batman!" etc... and then you reply with some adam west pimp shit


at least you're not watching tv

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without really reading anything anyone else posted....

(I take my mod example from seeking)


If you really dont want to see the movie but your

really care about your $8, just go down there and walk out

before the head credits are dont rolling. Most movie theatres

have a 'customer satisfaction' thing going on. Well for $8... they had better!


However that plan means getting off the couch,

and if you're going to that much effort, you might as well go watch a movie.

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